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Days have passed very quickly hence bringing them to the last day of the month.

Sunghoon was now in good terms with Heeseung thanks to Jake.

Jake and Sunghoon is back to their own selves.

Sunoo and Ni-ki's state is currently unknown, sort of.

Heeseung, well what's his current state is? We don't know.🤷‍♂️

As for Jay and Jungwon, they just had a short time in the park making the younger run out to school.

He was met with the long hallways leading to his class.

He approximately has a minute left to run his whole body to the room.

Bumping into everyone and almost slipping down the stairs, he made it.

"Jungwon, you're... 30 seconds late." Mr. Min said as he looked at his watch.

"I'm so sorry sir. I promise this would be my last time running late."

"Promise that to Hoseok since today would be my last day as your sub. Come on in." Mr. Min welcomed him and directly went onto the discussion.

"We spend our lives craving it, searching for it, and talking about it. Its meaning is felt more than it is clearly expressed. It's called the greatest virtue.

It's love.

Love is fascinating and complex.

Romantic love, in particular, seems to be a beautiful mystery we find hard to explain.

Although poets and songwriters can put many of our romantic thoughts and feelings into words, love is so inexplicable we need the help of science to explain it.

After all, psychologists have a lot to say about how and why people fall in love.

But before that, I would like to throw the questions at you first. How and why do people fall in love? Any ideas?"

Couple of students raised their hands. Karina, the smartest girl in class was called out.

"For me, People fall in love because they felt a connection or some sort of similarity; while some might say they felt somewhat comfortable being with a specific person. While falling and being in love with someone makes us feel warm and fuzzy."

"An accurate explanation from Karina. Next question, what are the downfalls of love?"

A lot of students were raising their hands but Mr. Min was looking on to a particular person.

Jungwonw noticed the stare and looked back up. He was met with Mr. Min's eyes.

"Alright, Jungwon please stand up and answer the question."

He stood up and looked around.

"Um, the downfalls of love is..." He started, Mr. Min nodding.

"Love can often make you challenged, althought it can make you lose yourself.

On some days you'll look at your partner and wonder why you fell in love with them.

They can hurt you the most because you've been the most vulnerable to them.

Still, knowing that it's human to make mistakes and taking the time to empathize with your partner while also clearly communicating your feelings and expectations should help you overcome some tough stuff."

After some struggling, he finally expressed his answers out.

His answer made Mr. Min smiled enthusiastically.

"Exactly love is not something you can just take and go because it also has up and downs itself."

The discussion ended and Mr. Min was telling a speech to the students about his experiences with their class.

"I deeple enjoyed being with you guys. To be quite honest, I expected you to be the naughty kids but it was the opposite of that. Gladly seeing you all answer and cooperate with me really is appreciated. I just hope that you learned a lot with me and apply them when you need to.

Again thank you and see you soon."

The whole class thanked him for his hard work and finally bid their goodbyes.

On the other hand, Jay just went home from the mini 'date' they had.

He was smiling very eagerly. His lips almost reaching his eyes.

Making his way to the room, a maid told him about someone visiting him.

Aware of it, he slowly opened the door. Just by seeing a silhouette, he knew who it was.

He opened the lights. "Hyung, why didn't you open the lights?"

"I don't know, to make you more nervous."

"Even by your shadow, I know it's you and I'm not even scared of it." Jay said leaning against the door.

"Well anyways, your father sent me this." The said person handed him the envelope.

"What's this?"

"You looked happy entering but that smile might drop once you open it." The person casually said and laid on the bed.

"I'm not gonna open it with you in here."

"I know but remind you I'm a very curious person so I might have opened that on the way here."

Jay chuckled. "Of course."

The person stayed silent. "Hyung, do you have something more to say?"

"I hope what you're doing is going well. You have to win his heart back before your father gets the guts out of you."

"I know and I'm slowly having progress."

"Slowly? By now you should have got him or else you might not want something more worse to happen."

"Hyung, chill. I got this ok."

The person approached him and patted his shoulder. "Let's get it!" The person said in very unserious tone making the younger laugh.

"Jungkook-hyung, Let's get it!" The younger mimicked.

And went back to a more serious mode.

Jungkook hugged Jay, and opened the door, he said something and left.

"You have a month left, Jay."

A SECOND CHANCE|JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now