3 | Duke Kyanos

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I sat nervously, trying hard to conceal just how uneasy I am, as I slowly picked through my food. At the head of the table sat the man of the house and the father of Anastasia, Duke Kyanos himself. He was a man in his late thirties but still looks so young and dashing, with the signature silver hair of the pure-blooded Argentian nobles and the iconic purple eyes of the Kyanos ancestry. What a very handsome father, this Anastasia has. But what if he notices something wrong? Oh no, what if he finds out that there's a different soul residing within his beloved daughter's body? Would he kill me? Or maybe exorcise me?!

"What's wrong, Ana?"

The duke's inquiring voice snapped me out from my despair-induced thoughts. I hurriedly calmed myself down in order to answer.

"There's nothing wrong, Father."


Oh crap. I forgot. Anastasia at this age is a very spoiled and pampered ducal princess and she always calls the duke "daddy" affectionately like the spoiled brat she is.

The duke stared at me with his purple eyes narrowed, confused as to why his cute beloved daughter suddenly addressed him in a formal manner.

"Oh, I'm just applying what Viscountess Clio has been teaching me in etiquette class."

Thank goodness for my fast formulation of excuses and Anastasia's childhood memories.

The duke seemed to believe the excuse but still looked confused.

"I thought you hated etiquette classes?"

I stiffened. Please... Stop looking for loopholes in my excuse! Just accept it!

"Well, it's a good thing that you're learning but I'd prefer if you continue calling me 'dad'."

The duke requested with a small smile lifting the corner of his lips.

My heart ached, recalling through Anastasia's memories the reason for this request. Anastasia is actually the child of the duke from his second marriage. He had two sons from his first wife; both had become distant from him after he remarried Anastasia's mother. The duke's first wife died of illness with the two young masters of House Kyanos being at the age of 4 and 2. The duke truly loved his first wife despite their marriage being an arranged one. He grieved for quite some time before he decided to marry the lady that helped him through his tough times. Anastasia's mother, the daughter of Count Selka, was a close friend and also a distant cousin of the late Duchess Kyanos. The two boys felt as if their father had abandoned the memory of their mother and decided to replace her. The fact that the person the duke decided to remarry was a close friend of their mother only added to the betrayal they felt.

Kail Olsen Kyanos and Zedrif Lucian Kyanos. The two young masters of the Kyanos duchy. Because of Anastasia's stupid mistake, they were both dragged into her mess. They could've been high-ranking nobles if they weren't exiled. To think that the wonderful future they had in store for them was ripped from their grasp due to the younger sister that they've always hated. They must be cursing Anastasia even in her grave.

The duke tried his best to reconnect with his two sons but was rejected again and again. This made him pour all his love to his daughter, the cute adorable daughter that always called him "daddy" affectionately. Whatever Anastasia wanted, if he could do something, he'd make a way to fulfill it.

As I stared at the duke's face, I seem to be seeing the image of my own father. My father had loved me a lot too, more than my older brothers.

"Yes, Dad."

The smile on the duke's face widened and I can feel my own lips lifting for a smile.

We continued eating our breakfast, him occasionally asking me about some stuff and me making up acceptable lies. The food was delicious but it's such a bother that there's too many table etiquettes I need to follow! Good thing that I have Anastasia's memories or else I'd be like a fish out of water. After we finished eating, I was about to go back to my room but the duke's voice stopped me.

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