eighteen [nsfw]

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On Friday morning, for the third time ever, you're nervous to head into the office. 

The first time had been on your first day, but everyone's a bit nervous on their first day. With no idea what exactly to expect, it made sense for you to be a bit freaked out. The second time had been the first day of November, the day after you and Levi had finally caved and fucked on Halloween night. It was only natural for you to be anxious after that. After all, you weren't sure how it was going to affect your working relationship. Turns out, you had nothing to worry about.


You've got absolutely no idea what the hell is running through Levi's head and it's scaring the shit out of you.

You thought you had him figured out: commitment issues, or something of the sort. Scared of a real relationship. Which was understandable, but if he was willing to talk about it, then it was something the two of you could work through.

And then last night happened. He opened up about a part of his past- Isabel and Farlan, you'll never forget those names- and then he'd felt comfortable enough to actually fall asleep in your lap. Did that count as cuddling? You're going to count it as cuddling. 

You want to talk about it. You want to explore whatever the hell he's thinking.

You just don't think that Levi does.

"Happy Friday!" Hange greets as they skip into the office.

"You're in a good mood," you remark as you pass by them and head for the kitchen, ready to make Levi his morning tea.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's a beautiful Friday morning," they say pleasantly, high-fiving Mike as he stumbles out of his office. The poor man looks hungover. 

"Hange, there's a snowstorm outside," Marco says patiently.

Hange beams. "Exactly!"

"The snow's annoying," Ymir announces, plunking herself down so hard into her chair that you're surprised it doesn't tip over. "Only good for whipping snowballs at people."

The rest of the office continues the casual chatter about snow as you vanish into the kitchen. Six days left of work. Six days left for tea. You purse your lips, wondering if making Levi his favorite would at least put him in a decent mood today. Well, it couldn't hurt, right?

You walk into Levi's office without knocking. He looks up at you, irritated with the interruption, but when he realizes you have tea, he straightens up. There's nowhere on his desk to put it down, so he holds out his hands, and you hand it to him.

"Thanks," Levi mutters under his breath, going back to his work.

"What can I do?" you ask.

He glances up at you. "Didn't you have some shit from yesterday to finish?"

"I'm helping you out first," you say, crossing your arms. "That was our deal. So tell me what reports I can reformat and I'll help you out."

Levi's eyes flicker to his reports, then back to you, and you frown at him. He sighs. "Fine. Take this stack." He taps a blue file folder jammed full with reports. "I'll send you the new template. If you get that done, bring them back."


You wait for a moment to see if he's going to say anything else. A part of you hopes that he's going to bring up last night so that you don't have to. When he doesn't, you sigh softly to yourself and leave, Levi's files stacked high in your arms.

No wonder this had been taking him so long; the first report takes you nearly thirty minutes. After that, things go a bit smoother. You tackle the first folder and manage to get onto a second one before lunch starts. Levi's making quick progress on his end as well, and by midafternoon, the two of you have made it through everything.

no funny business  |  levi x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora