ten [nsfw]

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CW: Dirty Talk, Degradation, Degrading Talk, Rough Sex


Levi blinks. "What?" he manages.

Did you just say that he could stay? Did you- did you want him to stay? Were you serious or just offering because you felt obligated? It feels like his brain is surrounded by a thick cloud that's making it work much slower than he's used to.

He looks back to you in surprise. You've got a blanket pulled up over your chest, eyes locked on him, your expression hopeful.

Oh, shit, Levi realizes. Shit, you might actually like him.

Naturally, he panics. 

Levi says, "this is just sex. That's it."

He says it more for himself than anything. Nothing good ever comes out of relationships, and if the sex is fantastic, why would he dare ask for more? 'Just sex' is good, a safe spot- no feelings necessary, just physical pleasure. You've only got two months left in your internship anyways; you'll be long gone and onto someone else in no time. You're probably only looking at him like that because you two just fucked.

That's what he repeats to himself as you force out, "r- right." It's the post-sex euphoria. That's all it is.

He turns so you can't see his face. You're perceptive when you need to be, and although it's something he admires you for, it's definitely not a useful trait right now.

The next minute is a blur in Levi's brain, and all he can hear is the mantra he keeps repeating for himself: leave leave leave leave.

At the last second, he remembers to get your number. He tosses you his phone and his eyes catch on you for too long as you type, your hair messy, your cheeks red. That smooth skin that had been in his grip-

Leave leave leave-

You toss back his phone and he barely remembers to call out a "see you tomorrow" before he takes off, out of your door and towards the elevators. He ends up taking the stairs down eight flights because he feels too jittery to stand still for more than a few seconds at a time.

Levi exits the building and locates his car in the parking lot. He clicks his keys to unlock it and slides into the front seat.

"Fuck," he says aloud.

He turns the car on and the engine rumbles to life. He places both hands on the steering wheel, composing himself. At the last second, Levi grabs his phone and opens it.

Your contact profile stares up at him.

He likes you. He fucking likes you. He hasn't actually liked anyone in years. Levi scrunches his eyes shut, the steering wheel tight under his grip. It's much safer to leave it as this, as just sex- at least, that's what he keeps telling himself. A workplace relationship- a secret one, too- would never last. He'd do something stupid or say something to piss you off, and then the rest of your internship would be painfully awkward.

Yeah. He's making the right call.

Levi knows he should probably just call the whole thing off. Never should've initiated it, never should've let it get this far. But fuck, he can't go a day without thinking about you and your skin at his teeth and your pussy at his fingertips.

He would've driven himself mad. But a relationship? Out of the question. Too many things that could go wrong. 

'Just sex' is good. Keeps him from going insane, and no hard feelings when you leave in December. 

no funny business  |  levi x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon