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Fate is a funny thing. Sometimes you've hated it and cursed the universe for the hand it played you, and sometimes you've celebrated the luck that's come your way. 

This is one of those moments that feels like both.

Ymir whistles from her chair, propping her feet up onto her desk. "Thought you told me to watch my language, Captain. Practice what you preach."

Levi doesn't even snap back at Ymir. He stares at you, lips parted in surprise. There's so many different ways this can go, so many things you can say. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Watch your language, Levi," Erwin chides, and that seems to break Levi out of his stupor.

He thrusts his tea mug at you. "Make me tea," he demands, and you fumble with the container. "We'll see how shitty you are."

And then he stomps back into his office and slams the door.

You blink uncomprehendingly at the slammed door, then down at the tea mug, then up at the door again. "He's always like that," someone says, and you turn to see a blond man smile softly at you. "Don't take it personally."

You offer him a weak smile in return. "Thanks."

"You'll be seated over there," Erwin says, pointing at a pod of three desks. There's another girl there, with long brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, and a man with a shaved head and wide eyes. They both wave at you. "We'll let you settle in and have a meeting later with our HR rep to make sure everything's okay so far."

You nod to Erwin in thanks and head over to your desk, trying to smile at your new coworkers. "Welcome!" the man says brightly, and you read the name tag on his desk: Connie. "Nice to see some new blood!"

"She's only here for four months, idiot," a man from a faraway desk calls out.

The woman directly across from you smiles and holds out her hand. "I'm Sasha," she says happily. "Did you bring any snacks?"

You blink in surprise. "I packed a lunch?"

"Don't steal her lunch, Sasha, she just got here," the other man scolds again. He raises an eyebrow at you and waves; his desk is in a pod of three with the loud girl from earlier- Ymir?- and another boy with freckles and a kind smile. "I'm Jean," the man says, raising a hand in greeting. "This loud idiot is Ymir, and this is Marco."

"Everyone here is really nice," Marco says politely. "Don't stress too much."

"Let the poor girl settle in!" Ymir says, flicking a wad of paper at Jean. "You're gonna scare her off, Horse Face!"

He turns, glaring at Ymir. "Shut up, Ymir!" 

"Settle down, you two," Marco says with a worried smile. "You're both going to scare her."

He's kind in that sentiment, but right now, nothing is scarier than the office to the left of your desk, with the name Levi Ackerman, Assistant Manager printed on the door. 

You don't have much for your desk: a few pencils and pens, clips and staples, and a framed photo of you with your friends at graduation. You smile wistfully as you set it up, and then note the empty tea mug that Levi had thrust at you. Shit. "What kind of tea does he like?" you ask Sasha, gesturing with Levi's mug.

She shrugs. "Dunno. I think he's been going through a lot of green tea, though."

Green tea, then. "Thanks," you say. "Where's the kitchen?"

Sasha points to her left- your right. "I used to have Connie's desk," she confesses, taking a bite out of a sandwich- where did that come from? "Closest spot to the kitchen. I didn't even have to get up! I could just wheel myself over."

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