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A/N: I know I said I would stick to ao3, but there's a few people reading here, so I figured an update here wouldn't hurt. Hope you guys like it :)

You and Levi leave the office building at 8:30 am the next morning. You stiffen getting into Levi's car, remembering what happened yesterday, but Levi seems keen on pretending it never happened, so you do the same.

"It's an hour drive," Levi says as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Bring up the reports. May as well go over them while we drive."

You've been put in charge of keeping track of the reports, Levi's presentation speech, and a giant array of figures and graphs. The presentation itself is, generally, a request for more funding. Funding for office supplies, funding for new staff. Encompassed in his presentation are their budgetary requirements, the team's earnings over the past few years, and several graphs of price matching with other large supply companies. It's huge, but if anyone can handle it, Levi can.

So you run through it with him for the start of your drive, trying to think of questions that the other staff members might ask. Levi answers everything in his same monotone voice, but he answers without hesitation and covers every base so that there's no area where you can think of a follow up question. He's good- you're sure this presentation will go well.

"You know anything about the other branches?" Levi asks after you're done going through everything you can dig up.

You shrug. "Bits and pieces, just in passing."

"There's two others," he says, holding up two fingers. "We're headed to the Garrison. They're the building on the edge of the city. Whole lot of idiots who think they're all better than us. Then there's the main processors. That's where most of the higher ups and executives are. Erwin has meetings there at least once a week. We just call 'em MPs."

"MPs," you echo. "What do they call us?"


"Why's that?"

"No idea." Levi leans the wheel left and switches lanes. "But just know they're all entitled morons and they look down on us."

You nod slowly, looking back at the road.

"And we're picking up Armin and Eren on the way back," Levi adds. "They're both visiting clients in the area."

"How're they getting down there?"


"You didn't want to drive them?"

"No, I didn't." Levi switches lanes again and shoots you an annoyed look. "If we had taken them, they'd be almost an hour early, and they both have enough to do already."

You nod again, focusing your eyes on the road. 

The rest of the drive is in silence. You manage to relax, but you're still reeling from the events of yesterday. Levi had checked you out and he hadn't exactly been shy about it, and then he'd leaned in. So had you, for that matter. He was going to kiss you, and you'd wanted him to, more badly than you've ever wanted anything in your life.

And now it was back to being coworkers. 

You wish you were a telepath. You could look into Levi's mind and try and see what the hell is going on in that head of his. 

When you arrive, the first thing you notice is how huge the building is compared to where you work. Your building back home has four floors; here, there's at least ten. You gape at the sheer size of the building, stumbling after Levi with your briefcase in hand. So this is the Garrison.

"You're letting in flies," he remarks, and you snap your jaw shut. 

You both head into the lobby, which is much larger than the lobby in your own building. The woman behind the desk perks up. You read her name tag: Maria. "Mr. Ackerman!" she greets. "Eighth floor. They're waiting for you."

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