Samurai: 'Tartarus resume'

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as the heroes are doubling their efforts to controlling the quirkless rioting in the streets of Japan...what they didn't account for is the dozen NOMUs that have come to rampage and wreak havoc....but they will not harm the quirkless...and they knew as the NOMUs fight the Heroes...hey also struggle with Jirou and her Kurogiri sits from the sidelines to prepare for an extraction to make sure everything goes to plan...their goal is to make as much damage as possible to distract the heroes and lure them here...but they would most likely know about it...but with the quirkless they will think this is a full on assault on them.
soon the police and their swat had come in to try and apprehend them...but Jirou tapped into their radio and heard 
"be advise you have clearance to fire at all quirkless and NOMUs over" 
"copy....we are now engaging with the target" soon they started to fire at both the quirkless and the NOMUs to which enrages Jirou....Twice was about to go down but she instead fires her explosive round at a distance....and bam hits the police car causing the explosion...the quirkless wasted no time to go and beat them all to death...swarming them like zombies as they brutally beat them to death...
Jirou: "going as far as killing them...shows how much they care" 
Kurogiri: "more of them will be coming soon so let's be on then" soon they go in with the next assault and set fire to Aldera middle school 
Jirou: "so...this is where he was born" looking at the school...seeing it already makes her sick....the evil that has transpired here...she already rigged the charges...and detonate it
seeing the whole thing built up in flames...the entire thing looked so beautiful...the sudden release of tension....she has lifted for her love...for her was the plan to set fire to Hiyashi mall....causing as much destruction as was easy as Twice overrun the place...setting up the charges and set it off. 

Aizawa carried Ochako all the way back to the school as the police station was also being attacked...they need to know...they need to know....the big three was captured he has the upperhand again....soon the teachers made it taking Mic to recovery...Aizawa was injured taking a full hit from a piece of debris reopening the one from the raid....he sets him down and soon Midnight sees them and Aizawa bleeding badly 
Midnight: "SHOTA!" rushing to him and she looks at his wounds....
Aizawa: "damn it...really took a bad hit there" bleeding all over the floor
Snipe: "damn it RECOVERY!!" trying to stop the bleeding 
Aizawa: "emi" he weakly spoke outloud...
Midnight: "Shota hold on she's coming please you need to hold on for her...for your students!" crying now  
Aizawa: "Nemuri...please...please tell Emi...i...i" staggering out word Recovery made it 
RG: "where is he?!" soon she sees him and she went right up to him and kiss his cheek...soon the green energy surrounds him....closing the wound and looks at him...
RG: "thank god...alright i need help getting him into the medical room now!" and soon Snipe picks him up and rushes him along with mic there...soon the commotion also alerts the students seeing their teachers in a horrible state
Kirshima: "what happened to sensei?!" the others looking worried as well...and they see 
Kirishima: "OCHAKO!" and soon Midnight stopped them 
Kirishima: "what?!" 
Midnight: "i need you guys to help me tie her up...she has some explaining to do...a lot of it" and they nodded seeing some of the cyberware on her 
Izumi: "Ochako..." 
Shoka: "she...she's with them" 
Momo: "no" 
Tsuyu was crying seeing her friend she thought was a member of league
Sero: "bro" 
Kaminari: "damn it" 
Katsumi: "Shit" 
Mina: "Uraraka!" but they had no choice but to tie her make sure she can't use her cyberware..they tried to pry open the arm to take out the blade...but it wouldn't budge...and now it's locked itself
Izumi: "my brother really prepared for this type of thing didn't he" 
Shoka: "he did" seeing her knocked out on the chair...
Izumi: "Now we'll get some fucking answers once and for all" 


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