fighting in the Sidelines: the cyberpsycho

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Dabi, Toga, and Twice had to deal with the heroes this girl who seemed to be using a type of energy quirk was keeping them busy...of to twice defense he had Mimic destroy the floor so it would be hard to traverse the area but he didn't know the bitch can fly...what the fuck!!
Dabi: "fuck" releasing another stream of fire towards her but she keeps dodging...Toga was seen giggling 
Nejire: "just give it up Villains!" and Ryukyu was also fighting Twice making more copies to keep her busy 
Toga was still giggling
Dabi got irritated: "could you stop fucking giggling like some middle schooler and HELP!" he said and Toga got up 
Toga: "i'm happy because i get to test out my new toy Johnny gave me" and Nejire grew cautious hearing her now...soon Toga brings out her mantis blades and then...made a huge leap flying towards Nejire to which she panicked and fired her beams at her 
Toga spins and dodges it...
Toga: "HAHAHAHHAAH!" and she charges now laughing while fighting her Nejire barely dodges some of the attacks and he swift movement isn't helping either...what is this quirk? 
Toga then gets launched back while Dabi helps Twice with Ryukyu
Toga: " look so much fun to be friends should join us...i would love a friend like you" normally she would barrage her with a bunch of questions...but right now is not the time...she needs to stop her Toga then has another charge jump ready so she jumps again so she had to dodge again but this time she activated the Kerenzikov...accelerating her movement to where she ended up cutting her arm and leg....screaming in pain Toga then licks the blood of her blade...soon she starts melting 
Nejire: "what?!" soon she sees herself 
Toga giggles: "another fact Johnny told me....i can still use my toys even if i'm someone else" and soon she activates her quirk and she starts floating but her mantis blades are still out...this is bad really bad! and she starts flying at her at highspeeds she reaches for one of the metal pipes that got disconnected from the wall and uses it to deflect the mantis blades...or so she thinks she then spins and slashes the pipe cutting it into multiple pieces 
Toga: "come on!" and she then fires a beam of energy at her and Nejire fires one back and Toga lunges forward and grabs on to her 
Toga: "you really should give up...i never met someone like you would love Johnny...he is the nicest person ever!"
Nejire: "who would want to love someone like him!" 
Toga then smirks: "well someone already does love him!" 
Nejire: "then they lost their it you!?" soon she kicks her off and Toga flips backwards her skin melting her quirk weared off she was back to normal...
Toga: "come would love to be a cyberninja! all the blood to harvest...the whirlwind of death...raining's the whole package!" blushing madly now
Nejire: "okay...come on Nejire you can do this...HAH!!!" charging in now both fist connecting 

Aizawa was launched into the wall going through it 
Jirou: "come on Sensei is there anything else you want to take from hopes child" 
Aizawa: "she is not your child...your not her need to turn her in!" Aizawa underestimated her...she was almost dangerous as Izuku....he needs to find her weakness 
Jirou knows he's trying to find her weakpoint so instead she fires an explosive round creating dust 
Aizawa kept up a defensive position
Jirou: "just why.....why haven't you expelled them yet?...because it's going to cause more harm than good?!....Johnny has already done that job...and soon the whole world will know who he really is...the quirkless already support us....soon you heroes will fall!" and then she jumps in and tries to kick him but he grabs her leg and throws her away from him wrapping his scarf around her...he managed to bind her this time it's stronger material...
Jirou: "damn it!" she sent out a distress Izuku she knows he'll come no matter what 
Aizawa: "it's pointless Jirou...your done!" 
"that's not true and you know that" hearing a female voice Aizawa turns around and sees another figure wearing heavy armor simular to Izukus but part of the visor was broken so Ochakos glowing red eye can be seen 
Aizawa: "fuck my life" he keeps her bind 
Ochako: " happy to see you" 
Aizawa: "flattered....but i know your not the strongest...give it up" and Ochako laughs 
Ochako: "you...telling me to give up? no...your dead" and she brings out her mantis blade...using her quirk to make a piece of rubble float Aizawa then gasp
Aizawa: " can't be" seeing that quirk Ochako then smiles 
Ochako: " figured it out huh..oh well" soon she takes off her helmet...and soon drops it to the side 
Aizawa: "Uraraka" seeing his once thought kidnapped turned to the leagues side but she was acting different...somehow.....she isn't herself completely
Aizawa: "what Johnny do to you!" 
Ochako: "he showed me the truth...all the things he experienced in his life...i felt every moment, every second, every feeling...the burns...the hate...the desire to burn this whole fucking society down!!" Aizawa now sees it...he changed her...he doesn't know how...but he brainwashing her....he needs to get through to her 
Aizawa: " need to listen to me....your not yourself right now..." Jirou knows what he's trying to do...
Aizawa: "you need to snap out of it...Johnny did something to you....he's controlling you!" and 
Ochako then flinches a
AIzawa: "you need to remember who you are....remember why you wanted to be a hero in the first place!....for your parents!....for the world!" he said...her become a help her parents in their time of need 
Ochako: "what!...shut up!" gripping her head this wasn't happening
Ochako: " your lying...your LYING!!" crying now 
Aizawa: "Uraraka...who are you!...the hero uravity!" Jirou then sends the message to him 
Ochako: "Uravity?....Ochako Uraraka" she clings on to her head still 
Aizawa: "yes...please remember Uraraka" and she looks up 
Ochako: "Sensei?!" crying seeing her in pain...he is worried now...what he did to her...he doesn't know 
Ochako: "i...i can't control it Sensei....please help me!" begging him to help and it saddens him to see her like this
Jirou: "shit" and Aizawa looks at her 
Aizawa: "what did he do to her?!" now gripping her neck...
Jirou: "the fuck should i know?!" and he grips it tighter 
Aizawa: "WHAT DID JOHNNY DO TO HER?!!!" now angery his eyes glowing as pure rage is seen coming out of him...something she's never seen before 
Jirou then smiles: "w-why...don't you....ask....h-h-him...yourself!" and his eyes widened as Ochako then screams in pain her eye was giving off sparks soon she went limp for a moment
Aizawa: "Uraraka!" he shouts her name  but she didn't respond soon he hears her chuckling 
Ochako: "hehehehehe" looking at her hands now...she now started to laugh
Aizawa: "Uraraka snap out of it!" and that's when things went down from there
Ochako: "your dearest Ochako Uraraka isn't here please leave a message after the beep" and soon she looks up her smirk...her was all simular to
Aizawa: "fuck...Johnny" he sees her stand up stretching 
Ochako: "can't believe it tech is very well to be the best in the world!" cackling now...fuck
Aizawa keeps Jirou binded
Aizawa: "get out of her NOW!" yelling 
Ochako(Izuku): "hmm...let's see about have a member's only fair i do the same right?"
Aizawa: "what did you do?!" this far to unreal to happen at all..he just took over another is it remotely even possible?! soon Johnny then uses Ochakos quirk to lift up a small piece of debris
Ochako(Izuku): "you wouldn't get it" then in one swift motion does a round house kick and it went towards him soon Ochako(Izuku) then lunges forward to slash right at him with the mantis blades 
Ochako(Izuku): "got to remember this body is much weaker than my own...i hate flesh" soon the scarf was slashed and got torn freeing Jirou 
Jirou: "thanks" 
Ochako(Izuku): "no problem Jirou...always have your back" smirking 
Jirou: "this is really weird hearing Ochako saying things like that" 
Ochako(Izuku): "you mean like if she says 'this is as sad as an orphan with an incest fetish?'" and she almost laughed from that comment 
Jirou: " that" Aizawa was shocked...shit he needs to get out now...this is really bad...but he can't leave without Uraraka...

2 minutes earlier

Izuku was watching both Shigaraki and Overhaul fight Mirio and Izumi with the heroes...soon as he was about to jump in he got a message from Jirou 
Jirou: 'she's starting to resist! Aizawa is reaching to her! bind a little help!'" 
Izuku then sighs...he now knows what to do....soon he looks at Shigaraki and he knows as he walks away and sits in the car and then he puts himself on a control module....inserting a daemon...connecting to Urarakas brain optimizer 
'Mind transfer' 
Jirou is in need off help and he won't get there on time...since she's there might as well take the drivers seat for the moment...soon he inserts the daemon and then...he went limp
feeling himself being transfered through the net....he can hear Aizawas voice calling out to Ochako...soon he opens his eyes and sees not his hands...but worked....he couldn't help but laugh at how far his tech evolved...he has discovered his own method to he needs to help Jirou escape...

Present time

Nejire finally managed to keep Toga away for now making her retreat....Twice was injured and Dabi destroyed the opening of the wall creating a barrier between them and the heroes 
Dabi: "hurry up and get him wrapped up" 
Toga: "she was no fun...i wish she would see how fun it is in the group" 
Twice: "would be cool/fucking hurts!!" 
Dabi then sees Ochakos optimizer...was overwritten it then said Izuku 
Dabi:"so...he used that daemon then" mind transfer....granting the ability to switch between bodies by overwriting the brains neural network with their own...he didn't think it would work and when he first saw it he thought it was some Skeleton key type of was weird
Dabi: "well...your beloved Johnny is now a chick...hilarious" 
Toga: "ooh" 
Twice: "lucky/the fuck?!" 
soon they hear the rubble trying to be moved they need to get out fast 
Dabi: "Kurogiri we need a portal fast sending you our coordinates" doing his best to be fast soon he managed to send it but it was too late the heroes broke through and they all went through the portal.

Kurogiri: "Eri run!!" telling her to run she sees the heroes falling through the portal and she ran as fast as she could while the others try to keep them busy 
Eri: "!" crying....
Fatgum: "kid!"
Nejire: "Eri we're here to help!!" 
Eri: "Your trying to take me away from mama and papa!" running even faster now 
Fatgum: "we're trying to save you!" 
Eri: "MAMA!!! PAPA!!!!" screaming as loud as she can 
Nejire: "oh no!" soon a portal opened and she ended up flying in only to be punched by twice 
Twice: "NO ONE HURTS ERI!/NO ONE HURTS ERI!" knocking her out 
Kurogiri tried to focus but Ryukyu then charges him 
he then had no choice but to call in Izuku 

Ochako(Izuku) still fighting Aizawa then sees the massage sent to him...they found Eri soon he sends his coordinates and Jirous as to finish quick he jumps and dropkicks him knocking him down the hole wher Mimic made earlier 
Ochako(Izuku): "they found eri we need to go!" soon she went limp Jirou carried her 
and the portal appeared 
Jirou: "shit" so she went through the portal dropping her on the floor she rushes out of the behemoth and runs towards the direction of her screams soon Izuku came out of nowhere and starts running as well 
Izuku: "ERI!!" 
Jirou: "ERI!!!" Izuku picks up Jirou and with all of the cyberware in him...runs extremely fast....soon her screaming was getting louder and they once again ran right back into the basement 
Izumi then sees her: "Eri!" she uses her Telekinesis to reel her in 
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!" and then he speeds up and dodges her Telekinesis and punches her away he clings on to her 
Izuku: "take her and GO!" and she nods running off knowing the others can hold themselves he looks right at Izumi 
Izumi: "brother!" 
Izuku: "you fucking will die!" 
"IZUKU STOP!!" and he freezes and Izumi as well....
Inko: "Izuku...please....stop" 
Izuku: "" 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora