AFO vs All Might: twisted fate

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Izuku soon got out as fast as he could...away from the thermite charges as it destroys everything in the lab....from every crook and crack down to the last was gone...his lifes work gone in a flash...but he had something in store...something they weren't anticipating...if it would come to it...he will use it 
Izuku: "man...can't believe they let me cliche" thinking about it....he was getting tired of everyone saying that if it's worth taking lives....if he had a quirk everytime someone asked him that he would become a NOMU...but right now...he checks the locating beacon....and sees the behemoth got out....the heavily armored vehicle he's been working on....the design is suppose to be very sturdy and could even tank a hit from All MIght himself...but he wouldn't be surprised if it didn't came with it's portable lab, bunk beds. and even a small bathroom. with a build in storage unit...yeah this baby is the ideal safehouse on wheels....and to top it comes with it's own cloaking device staying hidden in the public eye and on he knows the league will be safe in it 
he gets out of the rubble and sees both his Sensei and All Might facing off each other....but he did noticed that Izumi and the rest of her new minions were standing there frozen on the made him laugh seeing that his Sensei wasn't even in his prime....otherwise they would wish for death....he brought up the case...and opens it....revealing a strange weapon....he calls it the 'Ashura' a special type of sniper rifle that is a 'smart weapon' which is a module that links both his optimizer and the weapon with a guidance bullet...whatever direction he's looking in...the small target symbol will appear and the bullet will self adjust itself to hit the target....he's only made about 2 he needs to make them count....turning the settings to priority will aim for the limbs of the target....he looks around and sees both Aizawa and Midnight trying to take any left behind civilians away from the fight....he smiles....he aims the gun...and sees Midnights leg is targeted...

Aizawa: "FUCK!" trying to get out the rubble he manages to escape with the rest of the heroes...but of course Mic is no where to be seen...he needs to find him fast..
Midnight: "" trying to move some rubble he puts all of his strength in lift it up soon more civilians got out of it thanking them for saving them....but right now they need to find mic 
Midnight: "that was his kid" 
Aizawa: "I know" 
Midnight: "what he did to his body" 
Aizawa: "i know Nemuri...but right now we need to get everyone out of here...that villain seems to be a bigger threat." soon out of nowhere a popping sound is heard and a whistling noise seems to come closer to them soon....Midnights leg was severed from the knee down 
Midnight: "AAHH!"screaming in pain Shota immediately trys to bind it....wrapping it around her stub..
Aizawa: "SHIT" soon he sees the culprit...Izuku Midoriya holding a very strange weapon as it steams and then the bullet pops out....and he soon puts another one in.. 
Aizawa then starts to drag Midnight out of the way 
Midnight: "shit....fuck" holding her leg trying to stop the bleeding
Aizawa: "the hell type of sniper is that" 
Midnight: "don't know...but it dismembers peoples limbs" 
Aizawa: "yeah i  haven't noticed" joking around about it seeing her leg still spewing the last amount of blood 
Midnight: "damn people aren't gonna like one legged people" 
Aizawa: "that's all you're concern about" 
Midnight: "besides my leg and the fact All Mights son is trying to kill us...yeah" soon Aizawa didn't want to have them in his sights...he managed to stop the they need to wait for a distraction 

Izuku loads the sniper again...looking over to see Midnights leg in the distance 
Izuku: "well that's another crippled heh...not her first time i guess" soon he looks to the left and now he felt a huge gust of wind 
Izuku: "FUCK!" trying to keep his balance...he sees both his Sensei and All Might fighting each other....damn it...he sees Izumi and the others about to escape turning to priority setting 2 aiming for the torso...he aims it...and through the dust he sees the target...
Izuku: "well then...whoever you are...good fucking luck with this" and he fires and then his visor said target hit successful 
Izuku: "heh" soon he then makes he begins to make his grand entrance walking slowly towards them and his shades were blown away 
Izuku: "wonder who i shot....maybe sis....or one of the cuntsukis? eh...whatever." putting the weapon away...
Izuku: "all of you...including you Izumi....i hope you took the bullet" soon he sees both All Might in his skinny form and AFO looking really tired 
AM: "GIVE IT UP AFO....YOU'RE FINISH!!" and he chuckles 
AFO: "why All Might....what happen to your smile?....what about the people...what about your son" 
AM: "ENOUGH!!...I don't know what you did to corrupt him...but i will save him...him and that other child you turned" oh so he's talking about Tomura 
AFO: " you've noticed....well then you feel...if i told you that really the grandson of your old mentor" AM froze including Izuku he was truly surprised to know Shigaraki is related to his mentor....but immediately he starts to laugh....
Izuku: "so he's not only failed his son...his mentors grandchild is also like hilarious is that"  
AM: " i haven't failed him yet" what? 
Izuku raises an eyebrow
AM: "i still...have a save him..." getting up the helicopters flying in...they now are broadcasting the truth of all mights identity though they don't care....

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