Chapter Thirty Two

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Liam Payne

"Liam," Louis screeched as he tackled me in a hug.

When I arrived back at the pack house with Zayn and the others, Louis was waiting by the door with heavy bags under his eyes and his fingers in his mouth, I assumed he was biting his nails out of nerves. As soon as he saw me, he crushed me into a hug that I melted in instantly.

He pulled away and I frown seeing how tears developed in his eyes but he quickly wipes them away.

"I'm so sorry, Boo—I don't even deserve to call you by a nickname, it's my fault you endured something so traumatizing. I'm such a shit friend, you can revoke my best friend card, I—"

I cover his mouth with my palm, smiling gently despite how emotionally and physically drained I was. I wanted to collapse, truly, and curl into a ball on a soft mattress with Zayn holding me tightly while we eat massive loads of food and watch a movie in order to calm myself from the previous events but right now I wasn't sure if anything of the sorts would happen considering the news we have to tell Louis.

Lou, Niall and Marcus all looked anxious, eyes unable to look at Louis knowing well what we'd have to tell him. Harry was already sporting a sympathetic look, trying to ready himself for when he has to comfort his mate. Zayn was still very much stiff by my side, his guard up like someone would snatch me away again if he took his eyes off me for even a second. I would chuckle but I felt like I didn't deserve to be happy knowing Louis would very soon become unhappy.

"Louis..." I began to say, removing my hand from his lips.

"What is it?" He questions and looks at me before he looks at the rest of us and his brows dip before realization comes across his features and he's looking at me again, "where is that pest Lyn so I can get her ass grounded for years to come?"

If only he knew how she would literally be grounded for years to come. I open my mouth to tell him the news but it just wouldn't come out and I chew on my lip instead and avoid his eyes to try to conjure up the courage to tell him something like this. How would I tell him this? How would I tell him that Lyn was dead and it was now impossible to ground her figuratively?

'If it's too hard for you, Pup I can do it,' Zayn offered gently.

'I think he should hear it from me,' my voice wavered even within the link.

I turn to look at Zayn and he nods, kissing my temple lightly before taking his leave with Marcus, Harry and Niall to follow. Lou quickly comes over to me and squeezes me in a hug, her eyes encouraging me to tell Louis and to be there for him. She leaves afterwards and Louis remains, heavily confused as to what was happening and what was going on.

Without saying anything, I sit on a stool in front of the island and pat the seat beside me gesturing for him to sit by me. He still looks very much confused but he takes the seat next to me. I take deep breaths and will myself not to choke because Louis needed to hear this now. I turn to him and open my mouth to tell him but he cuts me off.

"Are you pregnant?" He questions, half jokingly, half seriously and my eyes widen and I blush, shoving his arm.

"I'm a guy!" I yell.

"Lou told me some shit like you could have a baby if you're mated to an alpha and secrete slick," Louis smirks and my eyes widen.

"S-Seriously?!" I splutter.

I begin to panic and hyperventilate. I was a guy, how possible was it that Louis was telling the truth? Was he just playing with me? I was mentally freaking out because Zayn and I did that And I secreted slick so if Louis' right then I could have a child but that's crazy because I'm a boy. I'm not even a man, I'm a boy! How can a child create a child, there's no way—

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