Chapter Thirteen

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"The greatest distance between two people is a misunderstanding."

Liam Payne

I stabbed the peas between my fork, hesitantly placing the veggie into my mouth only to cringe at how badly it tasted. Mom was home and so was dad and they had suggested we ate together since times like this were rare. They were both out a lot but always made it their prerogative to spend time with me. They catered to my every whim ever since I was young and the doctors had said I was a bit different from the others but only in a social anxiety type of way.

We were eating this steak dinner with a various array of veggies to the side as Mom's goals to keep the men of the house healthy and from diseases. It was hard for me to eat and I had barley touched my steak as my stomach was twisted with nerves and anxiety. It was hard to get my mind off of the events that happened just a few days ago.

I guilty feeling flooded through me just thinking of what Louis and I had done. When Louis had sprung to me his idea, his first suggestion was to have us leave without them knowing for fear their "gang" would come to harm us. Louis had an Uber pull up and we ran, well, he ran and held me. We drove off but I would always shiver as I heard the wildest growl rip through the air. Biting my lip, I knew very well that it was Zayn's. It was weird to say that but I could just feel it. It was him

I faked sick for the past three days and haven't been to school so I believe it's been a total of four days since I had seen Zayn. I wouldn't tell Louis this but these past few days burned me. It's kind of like how girls or pregnant women have their period and crave chocolate or chips, I felt like I was craving Zayn and it was driving me insane because I simply couldn't understand why.

I mean I know I liked him but being separated from him felt unnatural as if I lived just to be with him but that was logically insane. I tried to conjure up a proper meaning to this all but nothing made sense. It was a rational thought to stay away from Zayn due to the fact that he may be dangerous but my heart just wasn't on the same level as my brain. No matter what I did, my thoughts would travel to him and I was just brought into the worst funk ever.

Louis checked in on me, texting me a few times and asking if I was okay considering the fact that I hadn't been to school. Though Louis wasn't as effected by the news, he'd tell me how it was hard for him to avoid both Zayn and Harry at once. They kept pressing him and Louis had told me how furious Zayn was and it was scary to him how his eyes did that thing where they changed weirdly.

We were on a phone call just the other day when the line cut off from his end and when I called back to ask if he were okay he didn't answer. I worried about him but weirdly, Harry texted me and told me he was just fine. I was skeptical as to how he got my number then I thought to the fact that their in a gang so it wouldn't have been that hard.

I wasn't sure if I should've responded to him considering the fact that I was meant to be ignoring him but I did because the politeness that consumed me didn't allow me to ignore even the simplest thing as a text. I dreaded going to school and having to ignore them in person since I sucked at avoiding and ignoring people.

"Is the steak too pink?" My mom began fretting as she stopped her eating to gaze at me with worry.

My dad looked up from his plate as well. I quickly shook my head, stabbing the steak gently with the fork and cutting a piece with the knife.

"No, mom it's great," I attempt to reassure her by taking a bite.

I chewed gingerly and swallowed though I didn't quite feel like eating everything that was laid out for me. They didn't look convinced but mom managed a gentle smile at me.

Love Me Till The End ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang