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Hazaan was confused that why the three of them were sitting at back. One can go and sit in front seat but no both the men has to sit bedside her and their huge bodies were caging her fragile frame from both the side but she was comfortable because of the warmness she was getting from both of them.

The car halted outside of the Malik's Company and a man carrying briefcase sat in the front seat of the car and the driver drove off.

"Thankyou Aashir sir for picking me up." The man said.

"Not a problem Tareem." Aashir replied with a blank expression and turned towards the window.

Hazaan was resting her head on the headrest, her eyes heavy with sleep because she slept only for 4 hours and she didn't even got to rest properly after coming from Lahore.

Her head slipped on Murad's shoulder and for a second Murad got startled. He turned and saw Hazaan's peaceful face who was sleeping like a baby, her head layed on his shoulder and her hands in her lap.

Murad smiled genuinely at Hazaan who was asleep. He was about to wrap his arms around her but she moved away from him.

Hazaan opened her eyes where it was crystal clear that sleep was drooping in those hazel orbs. She started to massage her left temple because now it had the print of a button which was stitched on Murad's shirt on his shoulder blade.

Aashir was busy watching out of the window while all this was happening. The angels on his shoulders thanked Allah numerous time on his behalf that Aashir didn't see Hazaan and Murad's proximity or it would've hurt him so bad.

Murad was expecting that Hazaan would lay her head on he's shoulder again but today fate was not on his side.

Hazaan who was still in doze of sleep turned to her right side and wrapped her arms around Aashir's huge frame and layed her head on his bicep.

Aashir was still looking out of the window when he felt two delicate arms being wrapped around his torso and hair tickling around his neck, his whole body went stiffed.

Aashir turned and looked down to see the owner of those delicate arms and jasmine scented hair was none another than his Hazaan who was sleeping like a panda and had a cute pout on her face.

Aashir saw how uncomfortable Hazaan was in that position so he slowly freed his left hand from her arms at which Hazaan layed her head on his chest.

After pondering over thousand times Aashir wrapped his arm around her small frame. Hazaan instantly got comfortable in his warmth and Aashir could see it.

Aashir wanted to smile widely and openly because she was in his arms but he couldn't. He wanted to run his hands in her jasmine scented hair but he couldn't. He wanted to touch her cheeks and savour the feeling of it but he couldn't.

Hazaan smiled in content in her slumber unknowing to her that her heart felt loved and completed in his embrace which she was trying to find in someone's else. Seeing her smile a rare grin made it's way on Aashir's face too.

Murad who witnessed all this was now burning in rage. He kept gritting his teeth at their closeness but the angels on his shoulder murmured softly and lovingly Masha'Allah seeing Hazaan and Aashir. He was taking deep breaths to keep his calm.

(Masha'Allah: is used to express appreciation, joy, praise or thankfulness for an event or person that was just mentioned.)

"Driver tumne kya chudiya pehni hai haath mein zara tez chalau gaadi!!" Murad yelled at the driver.

𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭-𝐄-𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐢𝐛Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ