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Niki showed me around the house, showing me where the bathroom, kitchen, living room and where my own bedroom is.

"This is the room you'll be staying in."

I walked into the pretty large room, well it was larger than the room I stayed in. This room already had decorations and items inside. The stuff looked a couple years old and looked like they belong to a senior in high school student. Besides that everything else looked clean.

"Ever since that night I never came inside this room but when I heard everything that happened I decided to clean the room up so you can stay here. This was all your belongings I'm sure."

"What night? I don't recognise any of these." I said pointing to the textbooks on the desk.

Niki let out another sigh and sat on the bed. He patted a spot across from him telling me to sit down.

"Jennifer, do you really not remember me? Niki," I shook my head no. "The guy who called you a monster."


He called me a monster?

I shook my head again.

"I might as well tell you this now. Jennifer I blamed you for the death of my mother. I called you a moster and told you to never talk to me again. But I found out that Mark was responsible for her death. The day I saw you at the shops was the day before my flight to Japan. I was gonna move back to Japan but saw that you were in trouble. So I stayed. Jennifer, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I am sorry for calling you a monster and isolating you to suffer everything alone. You might not remember me now, but I know you will soon."

I watched as Niki got up and left me alone in the room. I was still processing everything he said and I did not remember anything he mentioned.

Is he sure he got the right person?

I spent this time looking around the room. There were a lot of textbooks, journals and photo frames.

What is this, an ID card.

Wait, that's me. I look so young.

Lee Jennifer - Year 12, 2018

2018? That was three years ago.

Maybe this is somebody else's. But how can they look so much like me and have the exact same name as me?

I looked at that the photos in the photoframes.

That's me, and Niki?

He had his arm around my waist while mine were around his neck.

When were we so close?

I looked at the next picture. It was me with this other girl. That looked like,


What happened to her?

Wait, how do I know her?

We both looked so young in this picture.

The next picture was me with, mum and dad?!

I haven't heard from them in so long. I looked like a high school student but it was hard to tell since I wasn't wearing a uniform. This also doesn't look like it was taken in this country.

I spent the rest of the day looking at the different items and pictures, questioning my whole life. When have I ever met these people or done these things?

*knock knock*

I looked at the door. Niki poked his head in.

"Dinner's ready, come eat with us." He said while opening the door fully so I can come out.

"Who made dinner?"

"Sunoo. He made spicy rice cake."

Spicy rice cake? I think I've had it before.

I nodded and followed Niki out to the kitchen. We all sat around a dinner table with a big pot of I'm assuming is the rice cakes in the middle. It smelt delicious.

I watched as the guys started picking up the rice cakes and stuffing them in their mouths. Niki looked at me with a questionable expression.

"Eat up." He said raising up a rice cake to my face.

"What happened to Giselle?" I completely changed the topic. Niki slowly moved the rice cake away from my face and onto his plate.

Sunoo and Niki made eye contact before looking at me.

"So you remember Giselle." Niki said.

"I saw a picture of her and just know her. I don't know how but I just do."

"She was your best friend at school"

Best friend? At school?

I don't remember a thing from school. Maybe that's how he knows me.

"What happened to her?"

They both looked away from me when I asked.

"She's gone."

"Gone? You don't mean"

"She's dead."

For some reason I felt really sad. I guess we really were best friends if I'm feeling this way about her. I didn't want to ask about my parents, scared that they'd tell me the same thing.

"Hey let's let your mind rest it's been through a lot." Niki said in an attempt to cheer me up. It worked, sort of.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Ok say aahh" Niki raised the rice cake to my face. This time I ate it.

This is so..


Niki looked at me and laughed.

"I guess you forgot that you can't eat spicy food."

I saw Niki look over and giggle at my face. He grab a napkin wiping the sweat on my forehead. We both made eye contact. There was still ramen sticking out my mouth. I quickly looked away while swallowing my mouthful of food. Niki also moved his hand away from me and looked away.

What was that flashback?

y'all i start school tmr. im a new student too! eek im scared. anyway i'll still try and update as much as possible.

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