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I walked into class hand in hand with Niki. When we entered everyone looked stressed and upset. Most people were on the phones while others showed each other something on their phones. What's going on?

"Jen did you hear what happened?" Giselle frantically ran up to me while holding out her phone. I took it and held it up for the Niki to read too.

'A father was shot on the neck while driving near the city's river killing himself and his daughter who was also in the car.'

I zoomed into the picture of the car crash.

"Niki we were there yesterday." I pointed. "But why is everyone so stressed out?"

"Jen that girl that died is in our class. She sits behind you."

"You mean Jamie?" I turned around to an empty desk where Jamie would normally be sitting.

Jamie was very quiet. I've only talked once and that was when I asked her what class we had but that's all. I've only seen her alone or with her family but nobody else. The fact that she's gone now doesn't sit right with me. It's an eerie feeling.

"Class let's settle down." The teacher came in looking just as upset and stressed as everyone else, but i can tell he's trying his best to calm us down.

The day felt weird and not in a good way. No one smiled in class today, it felt wrong to.

"Are you ok?" Niki asked my while we were walking to my appartment.

"I don't know how to feel about this situation."

"I don't know either."

"The fact that the father was shot for no reason. Police say he was an innocent man and that he must've been shot by a bullet that was supposed to hit something or someone else. But how does that happen in a city?"

"I don't know" Niki said letting out a sigh. "I'm just glad that you're safe. For all we could've know that bullet could've hit you."

I can tell Niki was trying to cheer me up and lighten the mood. I gave a small smile which didn't last long.

We arrived in front of my apartment.

"Ok make sure you eat dinner tonight. I'll come over tomorrow morning to walk to school with you" Niki pulled me in for a hug before kissing me on the head.

"Bye bye" I waved as he started walking away.

It was the late afternoon and I felt like having convenient store noodles. I can't be the only one that get those random cravings right?

I grabbed the cup noodles as well as a drink and some snacks for home from the convenient store and sat down at one of the tables inside. It's mid school year now and there's a lot of school work to get done. I felt my phone buzz from my pocket, it was a message from Niki.

Niki: I miss you

You literally just saw me today: Me

Niki: So?
Niki: Can I not miss you after not seeing you for 3 hours?

Hehe: Me

Niki: what are you doing now?


I stopped typing and looked up to see Mark again.

"Is it a coincidence that I see you all the time?" I joked. "Sit, have some of the noodles." I said pointing to the seat in front of me.

"Ah it's fine I brought my own food." Mark said while sitting down. "Any drama at school?"

"Actually yeah. This girl from my class got in a fatal car accident."

"Oh yeah I saw that on the news, are you ok?"

"Mmm" I nodded.

We both started eating our noodles, enjoying each other's company.

We both started talking about my school and his university. Mark is studying science which isn't a surprise since as a kid Mark loved science.

"So do you have a girlfriend yet?" I teased. Mark is in his fourth year of University and doesn't seem to have a partner yet.

"Not yet aha."

How disappointing and surprising. Mark is attractive and is a nice person but people just don't see that.

"You've been single your whole life, even I'm in a relationship before you." I laughed but stopped when I saw that he wasn't laughing with me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything."

"Nah it's okay"

There was an awkward silence again. In this situation I would just eat to make things less awkward but I already finished my noodles and so did Mark.

"Um do you wanna go and get desse-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked on the table to see that it was Niki that's calling.

"Who's calling?" Mark asked looking at my phone.

"My boyfriend hold on."

I grabbed my phone and walked away from the table.

"Hello?" I said.

"Jennifer are you okay?" Niki sounded a little stressed from the other end.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"You didn't answer my text for over 15 minutes and I got worried something happened." I found the way he was concerned for me cute but I do feel bad for leaving him on read. But I was gonna answer until mark came.

"Ah sorry I was talking to mark?"

"Wait where are you?"

"I'm at the convenience store around the corner from my place."

"Hold on I'm coming."

happy new years engenes!
i hope this year everything will settle down and we get to see enhypen in person!

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now