Chapter 25

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I'm finally back with my family.

I know I saw them for Thanksgiving, but I didn't see them for a very long time.

I think my finals went pretty well. I get to know if I passed my French final in January.

Grandpa and I are playing chess while I wait to get my hair done for the gala tonight.

"Checkmate. You're losing your mojo in your old age, Gramps," I tease as I checkmate his king.

"Mia, how did you get better?" He tells me with a huff.

"Gramps, you made it too easy for me."

He gives me an unimpressed look. "Amelia, did you practice at school?"

I laugh as I shake my head, no. "I swear on your grave. I have not played since we played right before I left for school. Have you not played either?"

"No one is as good as you," He mumbles as he observes one of the chess pieces. "How are you liking school?"

"I literally saw you three weeks ago, where I told you that it was going well. When did it change?"

"I heard you got a boyfriend." He tells me, disinterested.

I collect my pieces to put them exactly how I found them. Gramps likes to look at them, even when he doesn't play.

"I did. He is coming in a couple of days, and you'll be able to meet him." I answer him sincerely, "I think you'll like him. He's a lot like you, honestly. You have similar interests in books."

He raises his eyebrow. "What kind of books does this boy read?"

I crack my knuckles. "Classic."

He breathes a sigh of relief. "Wow, you have good taste, Mia. I taught you well."

"You didn't teach me anything, Gramps! I learned from Grandma."

He smirks. "Well, your Grandma is a very smart woman. I married her for a reason."

I just laugh. A woman walks in and asks me, "Miss Thompson, are you ready to go back with me? They're ready for you." She smiles, and I nod.

"I'll catch you later?" I question Grandpa before I leave him.

"Save me a dance, Amelia." I just laugh and walk with the woman.

"Miss Thompson, do you have any preference on what you would like to do with your hair tonight?" She asks as we walk through the hall of my parent's house.

"Mia, please. I really don't know. My hair is hard to fuss with, so whatever works is fine with me." I smile, and she nods.

We walk into my Mom's office, which has transformed into a beauty room. Hailey and Mom are getting their makeup done, while Gram is still getting her hair done. Her hair might be gray, but it's still so nice. It's this beautiful and silky gray hair, and it's a lot like my hair.

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