CHAPTER 3, Morning

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I woke to somebody snuggled to my chest and a throbbing head ache. I didn't bother to see who was in the bed with me, everything was blurring. I just went and took 2 pills of Advil. After sometime, everything seemed to become clear. I wanted to leave. Usually I would leave, after a hook-up. So after finished clothing, I went to the room to grab my phone, I was stopped in my tracks, only to see a boy. Not that I have never hooked up with a guy, but he is different. He is KYLE, Kyle my brother's best friend. Kyle the guy, I watched grow up with my brother. It was when the flashbacks of last night came in to the view. I dragged him here and... hooked up with him!!!

It was when I realized I was holding a breath. What if he told Hunter about this? What if he finds me disgusting after this? Not that we talk that much, but still there was high possibility that he will ignore me for the rest of his life. Not that I care, but just...

I need to leave. I need to leave before he wakes up. As I went near the nightstand beside the bed to grab my phone, I stopped in my tracks once again, only to see the beautiful boy to be smiling in his sleep, must having a pleasant dream. His eyes were closed but still I could imagine the chocolate color eyes staring at me. His cute small nose, that made him look adorable. His baby pink lips, which begged for me to kiss. I slightly leaned in to kiss it. That's when I realized what was I doing. I have never really attracted to anyone. There was just me and my one night stands, so why now? I sighed deeply before got up, picked up my phone. Once again the I looked at the adorable being in the bed. I was unable to figure out what was happening to me, it was all new for me.

My phone rang, it was from my father. He didn't called me until it was something important. The last time my dad called was a year ago, to tell me that he had fixed my marriage with the daughter of the best business man in India. That was all it was, a business deal. I tapped the accept button, not wanting to wake up the sleeping beauty.

"Hi dad, what's up?"
You are leaving to the airport now!" his voice annoying as always. Looks likesome things never change.
"What! Why?" I asked, in a surprise.
"Riya is coming from India today, you are going to receive her."
"Who?" I simply asked in confusion.
"The girl who is unlucky to get you as a future husband. I told you about this a year ago, and still you forgot, you are useless as always. Just don't fuck up like you always do, or else..." the line was silent for a good minute.
" or else I have to lose my elder son." His voice was firm, as if telling me, he would never regret to kill me. I sighed before nodding to myself,

" I will go dad." 

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