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"Is it an Adidas themed event?" Tanner chuckled as he pulled up in the parking lot of the event ground.

"Why?" I asked and he nodded in the direction of Ethan who just got out of his car.

He was putting on a black Adidas tee! I honestly didn't know we were both wearing the same thing..

The only difference is mine is white and he's is black.

"That's weird." I said.

"I know right?" He said stepping out of the car.

I got out also and he walked over to me.

"What's the whole event about anyway?" I asked as we walked in.

"The three biggest companies in the world are giving a large large large amount of cash to half of the orphanages in New York." He said.

"Oh?" I frowned and he nodded wrapping his arm around my waist.

I felt uncomfortable but of course I didn't want him feeling bad so I let him.

We walked into the hall which was really crowded.

"Where are we to find seats now?" A voice said behind me and I turned to Azra and Vanessa.

"Right?" Tanner said scanning the crowd while I looked outside.

I haven't seen Ethan enter the hall.

"Uhm excuse me, I'll be right back." I said and left.

He was no longer by his car.

I looked around the lot.

He was no where to be found. I went to the back and of course he was there....making out with Emma.

Great, just great.

I thought things were looking lighter between us.

What's your problem? You don't like him after all right?

You don't know that!

Oh? So you like him?



I don't know mindster.

Ethan broke the kiss and ran his fingers through his hair while Emma smiled. He looked up and his eyes met mine.

He opened his mouth to say something.

I blinked once, twice, thrice and left.

I need the bathroom desperately.

I felt tears at the bridge of my eyes threatening to fall and they did fall.

"This is awful." I muttered to myself.

What is awful?

My feelings.

For Ethan?

Shut up.

I couldn't find the bathrooms so I just stood at a hidden corner and wiped my eyes furiously to get away the little tears that dropped.

"Rora? Are you okay?" Tanner appeared.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"I was wondering where you went. We found seats in there." He said.

"Are you okay though? Looks like you were crying.." He added.

"I'm fine. I wasn't crying, I gat sweat in my eyes." I said.

"Oh?" Tanner said with a hint of laughter in his eyes.

"Let's go back in." I sighed.

"No, wait." He said and leaned in close to me.

No no no he's gonna kiss me. That can't happen.

Until I sighted Ethan returning.

Great. I smirked crashing my lips against Tanner's lips.

He seemed surprised as he slowly kissed me back.

Some how it turned into a heated make out session and Ethan wasn't even there anymore.

I just seemed to like the feel of his lips.

I broke the kiss to breathe.

I took a huge breath leaning on Tanner who was smiling satisfyingly.

"That was-" he paused.

"Fire." I completed.

"Yea." He nodded.

"I really think we should go back in now. " I said.

"No kidding." Tanner chuckled leading me back in.

Charity saga.

A free kiss to Tan.

A free payback to Ethan.

That night...✓Where stories live. Discover now