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Breakfast the next day.
"So we're going to New York?" I heard Azra say as I walked into the kitchen.

"Who and who to New York?" I frowned setting Ivory down in the baby high chair.

"You won't believe this Rora." Aaron said.

"We're going to New York for about three weeks. There's a program my organization planned." Dad paused then went on.

"It's a charity event and also we'll be opening two of our new arms located in different places there." He finished.

"How the does that concern us?" I asked.

"Laura is coming and I can't leave you kids behind." Dad replied.

"Uhm I'm literally not a child. I'm 20" Azra said.

"A childish 20 year old with a gap year before uni, c'mon Azy you're a kid." Dad said and Azra pouted.

"So when exactly is all this?" I asked.

"On Sunday." Dad responded.

"This Sunday? As in this Sunday?" I asked.

"Yes twinkles." He smiled.

"Don't call me that I'm 18 now." I frowned.

"What of school for I and Rory?" Aaron asked.

"Online learning du-uh." Dad shook his head like Aaron was the dumbest person he's ever met.

"So you kids should get ready okay?" Dad said and we nodded.

"How's your ankle twinkles?" He asked.

"It's okay. I can leap walk." I replied mixing Ivory's breakfast.

"I think you should skip school honey." Dad said frowning.

"No way. I have a maths and biology test today and I've worked really hard for them." I said frowning back at him.

He chuckled. "Azra go wake Laura please." He said.

"Is she pregnant? She's been off lately." Azra said.

Dad chuckled.

"She's just tired. Her work is stressing her out. That's why this little vacay would help her." He replied to Azra.

I began to feed Ivory who was laughing uncontrollably at Aaron, he was making silly faces at her.

"If she chokes on her freaking food A, I'mma choke you." I said.

"Whoa, violent much?" Dad chuckled.

"Just saying, to forewarned is to be forearmed." I shrugged.

Aaron rolled his eyes at me and went on with his own food.

I finished up with Ivory just as Laura and Azra came downstairs.

"Morning Laura." I and A chorused.

"Hey guys." Laura yawned sitting next to my dad who wrapped his arms around her.

She snuggled closer to him and I resisted the urge to fake vomit

I like her and all but things like that gag me.

"Okay Rora, you'll be late. And I'm dropping you and Aaron off at your schools cause...remember your car was taken to the repair shop yesterday for checkup" Azra said.

I hummed in response rinsing out Ivory's breakfast bowl.

"Can we leave now, I don't wanna miss soccer practice." Aaron said dropping his cereal dish in the sink.

"Who's gonna wash this?' I asked drying out Ivory's breakfast bowl.

"You are." He replied picking up his bag.

"Ivory, bye sweetie. Be good to Laura okay?" I said.

"Da! Da! Bababa. Daaa!" She laughed.

Whenever she hears someone talking to her, she may not know what the person is saying but she makes a noise or speaks gibberish back to you in response to what you've said to her.

Isn't that just sweet?

"Saweet." I smirked and Laura laughed.

I pecked Ivory's cheek, dad's cheek and Laura's cheek.

"Byes!" I picked my bag and ran out to catch up with those two.

That night...✓Where stories live. Discover now