Do you yearn intensely?

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Ramkrishna Paramhansa (1836-1886) was one of the most prominent figures of Bhaarat during the 19th century. He was Guru of the legendary monk: Swami Vivekananda.

Revered self-realised Master and a loving devotee of Goddess Kaali, Shri Ramkrishna Paramhansa explains how child-like faith and intense love can easily make one realise the beloved Bhagwaan. Let's hear his profound words:

"What is there in mere intellectual reasoning? Bhagwaan can be attained by crying to Him with a longing heart. There is no need to know anything else. He can be attained through love and faith alone. Reasoning pushes him far away."

"One attains Bhagwaan when one feels immense yearning for him. An intense restlessness is needed, which manifests when the heart is pure and mind is free from attachment to the world. Through this, the whole mind goes to Bhagwaan."

"Through selfless work, love for Bhagwaan grows in heart. Then, through his grace, one comes to know his real nature in course of time. One should not reason too much because it throws the already vulnerable mind in confusion."

"In Kaliyuga, the path of love and devotion prescribed by Sage Narada is the best. All paths ultimately lead to the same truth but he is grasped with the least effort by ecstatic love."

"Worship Bhagwaan thinking of him as dearer than your very own self. He is most attached to his devotees. He comes to a devotee even before he is sought; there is none more intimate, affectionate and compassionate than Bhagwaan."

"The goal of human life is to love Bhagwaan. To know him through Gyana yoga or Sankhya yoga is extremely difficult. Bhakti is the essence of all spiritual discipline. Through love, one acquires true renunciation naturally."

"Renunciation is to have dispassion towards temporary things of the world. Discrimination is to know the distinction between the Real (permanent and eternal) and Unreal (temporary and illusory). Bhagwaan alone is Real: the eternal substance. Everything else is impermanent."

"Therefore it is most necessary to go into solutide and think of Bhagwaan. By meditating in solitude, the mind acquires knowledge, dispassion and devotion. But the very mind goes down if it dwells in the world. In the world, there is only one thought: Lust and wealth."

"The mind cannot dwell in Bhagwaan if it is immersed day and night in worldliness. To fix mind on Bhagwaan is very difficult in the beginning, hence it is necessary to get acquainted with solitude. When a tree is young, it should be fenced all around otherwise it may be destroyed by cattle."

"People shed jugs of tears for money, wife, husband and children. But the ultimate question is: Can you weep for Bhagwaan with intense longing of heart?"

"Bhagwaan has all attributes, but again, he has no attributes at all. Satchidananda Bhagwaan has form and is formless too. Further, he is beyond both form and formlessness. No one and nothing can limit him."

"By meditating on Lord with form, one speedily acquires devotion. Meditate upon the form of the supreme that appeals to you the most; but know that all forms belong to the one supreme Bhagwaan alone."

"A man cannot realise Bhagwaan until he gets rid of all egoistic thoughts. Level the mould of 'I' to the ground by dissolving it with tears of devotion. Practise unselfish love for Bhagwaan, with no desire of even salvation or nirvana. Seek only his love and love him only."

"The intense yearning for Bhagwaan is like red sky in the Eastern horizon at dawn. After such a sky, the Sun must rise. Hence immediately after such yearning, the devotee is certain to see the beloved Lord. The whole thing in a nutshell is, one must develop ecstatic love for Bhagwaan."

--- Ramkrishna Pramahansa

(Shri Ramkrishna and Mother Kaali)

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(Shri Ramkrishna and Mother Kaali)

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