What is Dhyana Yoga?

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Here are some life-changing advices and glimpses of the Supreme Truth by Shri Krishna himself. Not all, but the most important dialogues have been included.

On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Shri Krishna expounds the profound Knowledge of the Self to his friend and devotee Arjuna.

To a grieved Arjuna, Krishna says, "O Arjuna, pay utmost attention to the truths that I am going to reveal to you."

It is because Arjuna urges Krishna to guide him, that Krishna reveals all of the supreme truth to expand his friend's consciousness. This teaches us to be humble enough to ask Bhagwaan to guide us in extreme delusion or confusion.

After making Arjuna understand the urgency and importance for him to take part in the war, Krishna plans to take his friend on deeper and subtler realms of consciousness.

Krishna says, "That individual who is not attached to his own body or his family or the world, even though he joyously works for them with the sole desire of pleasing Bhagwaan; Who is in full control of his mind (manas), intelligence (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and consciousness (chitta); Who is free from all desires of sense pleasures and who works, yet renounces the fruits of actions... becomes free from the reincarnation cycles of birth and death."

One should understand that Arjuna hears Krishna not as a Prince or a friend. He seeks Krishna's words just as a moth wants to dive into a flame of fire that burns all delusions and yearnings for worldly pleasures.

Krishna continues, "Such an individual gets utmost perfection. The consciousness of such a Yogi rests in the immutability of the eternal Atman."

"Absorbed in a completely purified intellect, subjugating the body and the senses by resolute patience, forsaking sense-tempting entanglements (as much as possible)... a Yogi becomes worthy of freedom from the world."

"The one who relinquishes attachment or even repulsion; Who is ever absorbed in divine meditation and soul-uniting Yoga; Ever peaceful after renouncing egotism, power, vanity, lust, anger and possessions, is indeed qualified to become one with the supreme Brahman."

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