Is Bhakti Yoga the best?

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The avatar of Shri Narayan says in the divine Geeta, "By becoming engrossed in Brahman, one neither grieves at unpleasant changes, nor longs for the pleasant ones. He beholds Bhagwaan equally present in all beings and gains supreme devotion towards Me."

"One may desire to be one with the infinite, yet some other might enjoy loving Bhagwaan while retaining his individual existence. The later one is called the state of supreme devotion."

"By that supreme love and devotion, a devotee realises Me and My nature. After knowing these truths, he quickly makes his entry into Me. Over and above performing faithfully all his duties, taking shelter in Me, it is by My pleasure that a devotee obtains the eternal and unchangable state."

One can understand, through Krishna's words, the difference between Gnana Yoga (path of Knowledge) and Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion). If one cares to compare, it can be easily deciphered that Krishna favours the path of devotion over Knowledge.

Bhakti is simple yet subtle; Easy to practice yet the most profound. I remember someone saying-- To practice Gnana Yoga, one has to follow all strict and disciplined procedures to clean the heart. While for a devotee, Bhakti itself cleanses the heart for him!

Bhakti makes us humble, pleasant and more sensitive and receptive to life and its subtle intricacies. It is the easiest way to percieve the complex cosmic machinery sustained by Bhagwaan.

Devotion does not mean performimg Pooja or pleasing or buttering Bhagwaan. It simply means that your involvement with life is so absolute that even you don't matter anymore.

Also, your choice of the deity of worship is not important. The intensity of your feelings is what matters. If one is sensible enough to see that something far bigger and subtler than us is constantly in function, one becomes naturally a devotee... there is no other way to be.

Bhakti means one allows the grace and love of existence, creation and manifestation to flow through the consciousness. If one tries to understand devotion, there is no other way than experiencing it by oneself.

No one can explain the love that suspires in devotion. It is solely an experiential phenomenon that I personally consider to be a wonder!

Devotion, according to me, is the sweetest and the most beautiful way to live and cherish life. It is another dimension of intelligence that most of today's world has unfortunately lost.

Remember, Knowledge is never complete. And devotion is never incomplete.

Har har Mahadev! ❤❤🥰🥰🙏🙏⚘⚘

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