chapter 23

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After hearing it, I pushed him away with my both hands. Unexpectedly, he took two steps back. It seemed he was not on his guard. I glared at him and asked, "When did I lie to you?"

He laughed lightly and said, "When did I say you lied to me? I am talking how you conveniently make excuses to Richa Di."

I wanted to ask him, 'Should I tell her truth?' but I didn't because I was afraid of his answer.

I asked him what I wanted to ask him since last night, "By the way, what are you doing into my room?"

He came to close me as I could feel his breath on my face, "This is our room. I am staying in this room since you left. This room has your scent which remind me our back days were not dream. You didn't contact me once. Then tell me what should I have to do?"

My heart started to beat loudly after hearing it. But soon I realised what he was doing. I looked down he was unbuttoning my top with his slender fingers.

I stopped his hand with mine and asked with horror, "What are you doing?"

He glanced towards bathtub and asked, "do you wanna take bath with wearing clothes?"

I shook my head and said trembling voice, "of course not, I can take out my clothes myself."

He smirked and left button. He looked at my slightly exposed chest and said with amusement, "ohh, then do it yourself."

I covered my chest with my hands, "get out."

He started to kiss on my exposed shoulder and said with hoarse voice, "I didn't take bath yet. Let me give you accompany."

I wanted to melt into his arms. But only I knew how I controlled myself. I said in trembling voice, "Karan, please stop." Because I knew if he continued like this, I will surrender myself to him soon.

Unexpectedly, he took step back from me and said with upset tone, "Fine, as you wish."

I looked at him blankly. Before I thought what's going on, he held my waist tightly and started to kiss.

I could tell he was angry as he was kissing me. But soon, he stopped the kiss and left the bathroom. I heard the door closed sound. I sat in bathtub with my clothes. I didn't care if it's soaked or not. My mind and heart was in mess.

After clearing my mind, I came out from bathroom and met one unexpected person.

Sameera looked at me with smile but I ignored her because I was not in mood to talk someone.

She asked with concern, "Natasha, what happened? Why are you upset? Are you angry because my brother didn't come back last night? But don't suspect him. He really loves you. He will never cheat you. He was busy last night because of work that's why he didn't come back. But he came back now. If you have any doubt, you can ask him directly."

I looked at her with blinking my eyes. I didn't know I should cry or laugh. Who asked her? but she explained so much. I felt warmth that she really cares me unconditionally. I wanted to hug her and told her, 'i am really fine.'

But wait a minute, I asked her with shocked expression, "Didn't he come back last night?"

She looked at me with guilty conscience. She asked with hestitation, "didn't you know?"

I ignored her question and asked, "How did you know he didn't come back last night?"

She told truth, "Actually, I checked his room in early morning but his room was empty. But suddenly, he came out from his room before few minutes ago."

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