Chapter Twenty Five: Discussions

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All I have you is gone
Tumbled like it was stone
Thought we build a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't break up

April's Pov

"Look April meet me at your house in a hour if you want you and your brother to live." Emily threatens. I sigh and nod, she smirks as she leaves the supply closet.

I make my way out of the building slowly and walk to my car. I get in and drive to my house, I immediately start pacing, my mind swirling with questions.

"Ahh you made it." Emily smirks, once she enters only 20 minutes after me.

"Where's my brother Emily." I growl. Another smirk forms on her evil make up caked face.

"Now I think it's time for some proper introductions." Emily speaks, confusing me. "My name is Emma. I am Lola's twin sister." Emily... Emma speaks, removing her make up to show a face that looks almost exactly like Lola's.

"What.. How... Why..." I question, completely speachless at this revelation.

"Now, I'm the one that asks the questions here." Emily, I mean Emma speaks. I stay silent and she smiles in triumph. "I want to know everything about my dear sisters new friends. You my dear April will be my little helper."

"Can I think about this?" I question, needing time to create a plan.

"Of course just don't take too long, who knows the pain your brother is going through." Emma smirks. I sigh and she skips out the house.

What am I going to do?

After hours of thinking I decide to go and talk to Ace. I need answers that he might have. Knowing what I know about Emily makes me wonder if Ace really did work with Andrew or if that was all a lie.

I jump in my car and speed over to Ace's place. I'm relieved to see there is no one's car except Ace's there.
I get out my car after parking and storm into his house. Effortlessly finding him drinking on the couch.

"Emily or should I say Emma is Lola's twin sister?" I scream as soon as I see him, his head snaps around to me.

"How did you find out?" He questions sounding panicked.

"She told me." I state honestly.

"What? Why?" Ace questions with a confused look on his face.

"She wants me to help ruin Lola's life." I explain, "She wants me to be like a double agent."

"Fuck. She said she would keep everyone else out." Ace exclaims.

"Explain." I demand, he nods.

"Well Emma came to me before we saved Lola, and said she would help me find Lola if I helped her ruin Lola's life. She told me Lola was about to die anyway and if I just used her for information she would make sure Lola died in a much more painful way." Ace sighed, I sat next to him and he puts his head in his hands.

"Ace we have to tell the others." I state, he shakes his head rapidly.

"We can't, she'll kill Lola."

"We have to speak to the others. We can create a plan. She has Austin Ace." Ace thinks for a while before reluctantly nodding.

"Okay. Let's get your brother back." Ace states. I nod and call Lola, she picks up almost immediately.

"Come to Ace's now." i say through the phone.

"I'm on my way." she replies.

"Bring Ethan and the others too." I state. I hear her say something in agreement before she hangs up, assuming to get ready and call Ethan.


Lola turns up 15 minutes later. Ethan turns up 5 minutes later with Duke and Jack with him.

"What's he doing here?" Daniel snarls.

"Chill we have something to discuss." I speak. Daniel reluctantly sits in the furthest seat from Ace and we start to tell them what happened.

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