Chapter Twenty Three: Emma

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One mississippe your here, loving me your whole heart
Two mississippe your we scream, to watch each other fall apart
Three mississippe your gone, saying that your done you don't want it no more
Four mississpe your home, like nothing ever happened at all
One mississippe - Zara Larsson

17 years ago

"Congratulations Mrs White, its twins." the doctor smiles, at the new mother to twins.

"Which one do you want?" Mr White asks.

"That one." Mrs White answers, with sadness and regret in her voice.

"Take the other away." Mr White demands with no hint of sadness.

5 years ago

"Hello my dear. What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" A boy around 17 asks.

"I'm scared." the girl states honestly.

"Just come home with me, everything will be okay." The boy states, not wanting to be in the cold abandoned street the girl nods.

"What's your name?" she asks in a soft voice.

"Peter." He states. "What's yours?"

"Emma." The girl  mumbles.

"Well Emma I promise I'll protect you."

Three years ago

"Where are you going?" Emma asks my boyfriend of two years.

"Out, Em." he states vaguely.

"You keep going out randomly, when are you going to tell me where your going?" Emma screams at him. His eyes turn black.

"I don't need to answer to you." He growls. Emma walks towards him, seeing his twitching hand.

"Just tell me." Emma cries. His hand raises and he hits her, forcing her to fall to the floor.

"I don't answer to you." he repeats, leaving Emma on the floor with tears pooling from her eyes.

Emma watches Peter leave the house and waits a few seconds to follow him. She gets in her own car and follows behind him, far enough away so that he won't see her.

Peter enters another apartment complex, confused Emma makes sure to follow him. Peter walks into apartment 232 and she sees a girl that looks exactly like her, just with a few more bruises.

"Hey babe." Peter says to the girl. With a broken heart Emma leaves, racing home.

Two years ago

"Stop acting like your not doing anything." Emma growls at her boyfriend. "You go to the bitches apartment every night. End it. Now." Emma demands. With a sigh Peter reluctantly agrees.

"I'll end it. I'll kill her to prove it to you." Peter states, he leaves the house, motioning for her to follow him which she happily does. Glad that her boyfriend is willing to kill someone to prove his love for her.

He drives her to the same apartment complex he's been going to for the past four years.

"Stay." He instructed, Emma nods, not wanting to actually witness the love of her life killing someone.

An hour later the girl that looks exactly like her is being dragged out of the building, clearly struggling to breathe and being tossed into the ally next to the building.

"Happy now princess?" Peter smirks after walking back to the car.

"Very." Emma smirks, kissing her boyfriend in a rough and passionate way. He speeds home and as soon as they reach their original apartment their lips are one again attached, their clothes abandoned.

A few months later

"Honey I'm home!" Emma calls to her boyfriend. Soon she drops her keys once Emma sees her boyfriend in a pool of blood with a bullet between his eyes. Tears fall from her eyes, her heart being ripped apart.

"I will avenge you." She promises.

The week before Lola was kidnapped

"Lola?" A drunk man questions. Emma smirks, this going exactly as planned.

"Close. I'm Emma her twin sister." Emma smiles, the man slumps back in his seat. "I know where you can find her." Emma states, his eyes lighting up.

A month before Lola is saved

"I can help you find her." Emma states to Ace, Ace looks completely broken and helpless.

"How do you know I'm looking for someone?" Ace asks.

"I know a lot of things." Emma smirks.

"What do you want in return?" Ace questions.

"Help me ruin her life." Emma states.

"Or else?" Ace asks.

"She'll die." Emma shrugs, without a care in the world.

"And if I just agree to get the information?" Ace questions, already creating a plan in his head.

"She will die a much more painful death." Emma states. Ace sighs.

"Just help me save her." Ace states in a broken voice.

"Good choice." Emma smirks, giving Ace relevant information before walking away.

"It went as planned daddy." Emma says to her father on the other line.

"Good girl, I knew you were the one we should've kept." her father chuckles.

This is just the beginning of how I'm going to ruin Lola's life. Lola. My twin sister. My boyfriends killer. The girl who ruined my life.
My name is Emma, or as you know me, Emily, and this is my story.

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