Chapter Seventeen: School

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Bleed with me this time
I’ve been hurting to find
Someone to make it right
I learned so much but lost it all
And when I’m stuck with you I fall
Bleed with me this time
'Till we bleed out
Bleed out - Issak Danielson

Lola's Pov
One week later

I wake up with Ace's arms still wrapped around me as I have for the past week. I untangle myself and crawl out of bed. I walk to the bathroom attached to my bedroom and wash my face, hiding any evidence of crying. I turn the shower on and undress, I refuse to look in the mirror before I hop in the shower.

The water runs down my scarred body. I sigh and use the strawberry body wash that was rested on the sink. I close my eyes and attempt to wash away the dirty feeling that seemed to follow me around constantly. I scrub my skin until its stained red, next I wash my hair before turning off the water. I wrap the towel around me and go to my wardrobe.

I get changed into my grey shirt, black jeans and black leather jacket. I put in my black rose earrings along with some bracelets and black ancle boots.

"We start school today

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"We start school today." Ace speaks, once I leave the wardrobe, making me jump. I just nod at him and walk downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and make some breakfast. I make some for everyone since I can garentee that everyone will be over soon, they have come over every morning for the past week.

"Morning baby bear." Daniel says, softly kissing my forehead. I smile and he moved beside me to make his morning coffee.

"And hello people!" April calls out as she enters the kitchen, I giggle softly and shake my head at her dramatic entrence.

"Food! Lo your the best!" Austin yells, hugging me before starting to pile his plate with food. I laugh at his reaction and eat half a slice to toast before becoming full and throwing the rest away.

"Baby bear you haven't eaten properly in months." Daniel scolds. I just shrug.

Can I ride to school with you? I write, I haven't really been alone since I left the hospital. Only when I shower.

"Of course you can ride with Ace." April winks, I roll my eyes. All month she has been trying to force something to happen between me and Ace. Nothing has, except us sleeping in the same bed but nobody knows about that.

"You again." Ace playfully groans when he enters the kitchen, he picked at some food before Austin decides to speak up.

"Your driving Lola to school." everyone chuckes and Ace just shrugs.

"Fine by me." Ace agrees easily. I smile at him in thanks and go to get my bag, yesterday we went shopping for school bags.


An hour later and me and Ace are driving to school together. Austin only has a three seater car and Stephanie is meeting us at school.

"You had another nightmare." Ace points out. I just shrug. "Was it about Andrew Again." I whimper and move closer to Ace as images of what happened flash through my mind. "I'm sorry." Ace say, holding my hand with onky a soft touch so I could barely feel it.

"He almost killed me." I whisper, although I was barely talking I would sometimes say words to Ace.

"I know Lo." Ace says with a sad look in his eyes. Our hands stay together throughout the rest of the ride until we arrive at the school. It's diffrent to the one I was at previously.
"We moved schools." Ace points out making me smile.

We get out of the car after reluctantly letting go of each others hands.

"Lola!" April calls when she sees me again, pulling me into a tight hug. I laugh at her reaction and hug her back.

"Let's go!" April says, dragging me away from the others, pulling me into the large school building.
"What's happening between you and Ace." April asked, once we were out of earshot. I roll my eyes and shake my head, signalling nothing. She sighs but allows my answer and drags takes to to what I assume is our first lesson.

"You must Lola." An older man spoke once he saw me and April enter what I assume is his class. I nod. "I know about your lack of speech so you will not be asked to speak." He continued, I smile at him thankfully and follow April to some seats.

"Lo I have a confession." April says, with a guilty look on her face. I tilt my head in meaning for her to continue. "I wanna be with Daniel. He was so sweet when you were taken and I've always have a slight crush on him but I never wanted to act on it, and I still won't if you don't want me to." April rambles.

You guys would make such a cute couple. I write and she pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Mumbling thank you over and over again.

Just a filler chapter the next one will be much more intresting.

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