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  Her whole body was on pain, as it usually did after the monster was given free reign. Without opening her eyes she could feel Alec near her. Almost close enough to touch.

"How long have i been out?" She asked him her voice hoarse, still not opening her eyes.

"Four days." He replied, his voice sounding bitter.

"Why am I not dead?"

"I persuaded the kings to let you live after you burned half the lower guard." She let out a bark of a laugh, quickly stopping when her ribs ached.

"Now why would you do that Alec?" She asked him an amused tone in her voice. This boy barely knew her.

"We are mates Cecily whether we like it or not." He actually sounded upset. "We might as well make the most of it."

"What do you propose?" She sat up and looked at him on this. His red eyes flickering to her brown ones.

"We get to know each other."
She flopped back on the bed again.

"Okay." Unbeknownst to her Alec smiled.

"Where are you from?" He asked her, coming to sit at the end on the bed.

"Salem." She said, "How'd you get turned?" She asked skipping the small talk. She could see him shutter at the memory. The urge to comfort him over came her. He didn't answer as he pulled her shirt down where it had ridden up on her thighs.

"Aro turned me and Jane." He said with a sigh. "What's your middle name?"

"Grace. You?"

Everything went into a blissful silence until Cecily spoke.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked with a smile unable to help being happy at being this close to her mate. She blamed the mate bond.

"Blue. What's yours?"


For the rest of the night that's how it went them taking turns asking dumb questions till the next morning Jane came in to find Alec holding a sleeping Cecily who had passed out some hours earlier.

Okay theres the update. Also im considering doing another story should i? Sorry it was so short writers block and school sucks

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