♡ Fallen Angel ♡

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Lorenzo's overprotective nature has grown stronger over the past few weeks. I dont think there's been a minute where I haven't been under supervision.

"Can I come to work with you?"

Lorenzo doesn't bother to look behind him as he continues to wash the dishes in the sink, my eyes trained on the muscles flexing in his forearm. "No," he replies curtly.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I try to keep my lips sealed. I know I talk a lot but I've been trying to cut that down because I don't want Shortcake to get mad at me. 


"Please? Pretty please? Your guards are scary and they don't let me leave my room when you're gone," I practically beg the man who seems like he couldn't care less.

"Catalina," he warns, his voice void of any emotion.

Lorenzo dries his hands and grabs his long coat before heading out of the kitchen.

Following after him like a baby duck, I watch him walk towards the main door and press his fingerprint into the pad above the door handle.

"If you don't let me come I'll drown myself in the toilet." That oughta show him who's boss.

I hear a scoff fill the air before Lorenzo throws a scarf at me. "Vieni."


Following after the tall man, I zoom past the guards and wait for Lorenzo at the elevator.

"This is not normal chocolate milk... this is like drugs. Did you drug this?" I continued slurping the box of chocolate milk.

Very delicious. The taste is immaculate.

"Stop bothering me."

We were at one of the buildings Lorenzo owned— a real estate company that builds homes and apartments. I personally think it's genius that he has this job as a cover up for all the illegal and terrible things he does on the side.

I shivered when I remembered he kidnapped me.

"You wanna sip of my milk?" He's been eyeing my chocolate milk so I thought he was too shy to ask for some.

Or maybe he's been eyeing my boobers.

"Are you staring at my chest?" I genuinely ask before throwing the box of chocolate milk in the recycling.

Lorenzo places his head in his hands before turning his chair towards me and ruffling his hair. My heart picks up at the sight of a pink tinge covering his face cheeks. "I'm not," he bluntly answers before throwing a pen at me.

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