14 | Raccoon

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"Is silence still meaningful when it's the only thing you've got left to offer?"



It's chonky and rubbing it's little hands together.

Mission: Pet a raccoon and then take it home and keep it as a pet where I'll build an army of raccoons.

My eyes follow the sneaky movements of the cute animal and I look behind me to make sure the boys can't tell what I'm about to do.

We were in some alley and it was late. I didn't know what I was doing here but the boys didn't want to babysit me so they made me come along with them.

Lorenzo wasn't too happy when he saw that I tagged along.

Sad face.

My plan was simple, very simple. All I had to do was make sure I ran fast enough to avoid being caught by the boys but I also had to make sure that I wouldn't scare the raccoon away.


With my newfound confidence, I take two steps before the back of my hoodie is pulled on. "Tsk," Lorenzo shook his head disapprovingly.

"Brutha, there's a raccoon right over there and in case you didn't know-"

"Do you know how hard you test my patience?" He loosens his light grip on my hoodie and cocks his head to the side, a hard expression set on his face.

"Do you know how hard I want to kick you in the balls?" I wanted to stand on my tippy toes and pat his perfectly messy hair just to make sure he's not wearing a wig, however, I refrained.

I wonder what he'd do if I pulled his wig off.

"Are you secretly bald?" I turn around before he can answer my question because that raccoon is still on my mind and quite frankly, I don't give a rats patootie if he's secretly bald.

The raccoon. I need to touch its chonk immediately.

"Chiuderla in macchina," I hear Lorenzo sigh, his voice deepening.

Lock her in the car.

"Come on," Marco tilts his head to the all black SUV on the side of the road and I quickly hide my frown with a smile so that he wouldn't think I didn't want to go with him.


"Yes?" His voice is soft and he doesn't sound like he's tired of me which makes me want to break down into tears because of how lovely that is.

"I saw a raccoon can I go pet it?"

He lightly chuckles and shakes his head, "So you can get rabies? You can't pet a raccoon, silly girl."

I bite the inside of my cheek and nod in understanding. Maybe another time.

Next time I see a raccoon I'll brush it's hair and give it a high five and give it cute snacks. A smile attacks my face at the thought.

Marco opens the car door for me and I hop in the back seat, thanking him for being such a sweet man. I frown when he closes the door and leaves me in the dark alone. I thought we could have played UNO in here together.

About ten million years have passed.

Just kidding.

I'm such a jokester.

It's been five minutes but my attention span is really short. I couldn't stop bouncing my leg so staying still in the backseat of this car was proving itself to be more difficult than I thought it would be.

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