How to Meditate?

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Swami Vivekananda says there are 4 simple methods of meditation one can easily learn:

1) One can select a picture or idol of one's Aradhya or beloved Bhagwaan or one's Guru and stare upon it for some time with fierce concentration. Then after, closing the eyes, one may continue to visualise the same picture or idol.

This procedure shall develop power of concentration and also make the mind pure as light of the holy personality subdues darkness of ignorance among the infinite folds and grooves of the brain.

The purity of the holy personality shall permeate into one's own being with consistent diligence.

2) Repeatedly chanting a mantra or taking blissful name of one's beloved bhagwaan aloud and then gradually directing it inwards so that it resonates within the consciousness of one's own being, is another good way of meditating.

3) If one does not believe in any form of Bhagwaan or other holy personalities, mantras, etc. one can still meditate by visualising a light at the centre of one's heart.

If not this, one can visualise a flame of lamp, unwavering and bright! This calms the mind and increases the ability to concentrate.

4) One can simply concentrate on the breath... the flawless movement of vayu between the body and the surroundings.

The Human body is very sophisticated and complex, yet very fragile. Respiration, a process that happens day and night doesn't draw much of our attention. And this process, which occurs almost unconsciously happens to be the most important process of our body!

Just think of it... the moment this process stops, all the complicated processes of the body shall come to a tragic end!

Consciously monitoring the breath is extremely beneficial for expanding the boundaries of concentration and taming a frequently flickering mind.

--- Swami Vivekananda

The duration of meditation can be increased gradually with consistent practice.

Meditate everyday, never miss out on it. The best time to work it out are dawn and dusk.

The agile mind will run away from the object of concentration but never mind such little failures. Bring it back under your control. In a short time, with regular practice, the mind won't waver much.

Remember, it is meditation that brings us nearer to truth than anything else.

Remember, it is meditation that brings us nearer to truth than anything else

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