01. How to Seduce a Vampire

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There you are

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There you are.

I grinned seductively across the bar, batting my eyelashes as I made direct eye contact with the handsome gentleman sipping at a glass of... something.

Beside me, Opal leaned closer. "Is that him?" she whispered, eyeing him. "He's cute."

In other words, he's a vampire.

It's not difficult to spot the difference between a human and a vampire. Vampires have always looked... god-like, to say the least. They're utterly flawless, beautiful, attractive, alluring... Though I've trained myself to see through the perfections. To see how unnatural their pasty skin and dark eyes are. To see how they run their tongue over their teeth when they think nobody's watching. To see how they watch the world around them with hunger...

This one's no different.

I nodded at Opal, keeping my gaze fixed on the vampire in question - Marcus Chauncey, three-hundred and eighty-five years old. Lived in England for two-and-a-half centuries before emigrating here. Was Turned at twenty-seven years old. Tends to hang out in bars at night and feed on attractive girls who are drawn towards him... after having his fun with them, that is.

And he's about to be dead.

"Isn't he dreamy?" I whispered back to Opal, knowing he could hear me perfectly well. That's why we talk in code when we're on these missions. Marcus Chauncey let out a silent chuckle, smirking, as he took another sip of what I guessed was a champagne of some kind... or, well, blood mixed with champagne.

"You should definitely go talk to him!" Opal pushed at my shoulder, urging me off of the stool I was perched on. "He won't stop staring at you!"

In other words, go kill him, he wants you for dinner.

"But what if I'm rejected?" I did my best to play the part of the uncertain, low-confidence girl who's terrified of rejection. "I don't think I look..." I let myself trailed off, scratching at my arm.

The vampire looked very interested now, and I finally looked away from him, biting my lip, forcing a blush to cross my cheeks.

Opal made a show of scanning me up and down, rolling her eyes. "You look ravishing, girl! Now go talk to him! Go get some!"

I hit her arm softly, letting out a girlish giggle that would have made me want to die on a normal day.

"But are you sure?" I blinked, chewing on my bottom lip. "Maybe... maybe you should talk to him first. You're so much better at this than I am..."

Opal let out a long sigh. "I'm married, remember?"

That was the first truth she's told since we stepped foot in this bar.

I pretended to be pondering this, pulling out my phone, checking myself over in the camera. As planned, I looked practically perfect. I had used a flat iron on my hair, straightening it to make it more manageable, and outlined my eyes with black liner to make them look dark and mysterious. My dress was picked out with Marcus Chauncey's particular taste in mind. Tight, form-fitting, and much too short for me to be comfortable. Not to mention the neckline was far too low. It's a miracle my breasts haven't sprung free yet.

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