21. How to Re-Enter Negotiations

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The corridor leading to the Alpha's study was going to become a familiar path if I didn't get out of here soon

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The corridor leading to the Alpha's study was going to become a familiar path if I didn't get out of here soon.

I didn't let my relief of finally leaving the room be known. It was hell, being cooped up in there day after day, night after night. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go outside. I wanted to breathe air that wasn't filtered and ventilated. I wanted to hear something other than the sound of my own voice.

Unfortunately, the price for even an amount of freedom as small as walking down a few corridors to the Alpha's fancy office was actually conversing with the guy.

I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to see him. Actually, maybe I did, just a little bit. I can't deny the physical attraction, but I also can't forget the mental certainty that I absolutely hated and despised him and wanted him dead more than anything else in this world.

"So... what exactly does he want me for?" I chattered, silently pleased when I saw Keith's jaw clench with irritation. "Is it for the simple pleasure of my company? I must say, my presence can be rather intoxicating and addictive. Mere mortals have trembled with anticipation for such a gift."

"Fucking hell," Keith cursed. "Do you ever shut up?"

"Only when it suits me," I said cheerfully. "And right now, I want answers. Luca?"

"It's Beta to you, Hunter," Keith snarled.

I ignored him. "Oh, dearest, darlingest Luca, what does the Big Bad Alpha want with me?" I cringed internally at my words, but was content in the knowledge that at least I was entertaining whatever being was watching me.

"Good question," Luca said, appearing to be unaffected by my sudden bought of weirdness. It definitely affected me more than it did him. I was slightly disappointed in myself. I shouldn't be surprised by my sudden personality changes. "He never said. He just ordered us to go and get you."

"And you never thought to ask?" Hell, the amount of self-control he must have used to refrain from asking. My natural curiosity and burning desire to know things would never allow me to do that.

He glanced back at me. "He's the Alpha. We don't question his orders."

We? Who's we? He sounds like he's trying to talk some sense into me.

Ugh. The Alpha's going to try to order me around, isn't he? Good luck with that.

Luca stopped us outside of the study door, raising his fist and knocking.

"Enter," came the voice. Three guesses who it belonged to.

I guess half-heartedly shouting enter was his normal greeting method. I'd have to remember that for later. It might help to set the mood and show who's really in charge of any meetings I might host in my glorified cell.

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