32. How to Actually Have an Idea

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From the ground, Rebecca stared up at me, her mouth agape

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From the ground, Rebecca stared up at me, her mouth agape.

I wasn't paying much attention to her at the moment. I was preoccupied with peering down at my hands in utter bewilderment, the place where a burst of air just exploded from. Like a fucking Airbender from one of my favorite childhood shows.

No. I had surely been imagining things. There way no way I just summoned magic. Only witches and warlocks can do such a thing, and if I knew anything, it was that there was no chance that I was supernatural. It wasn't possible.


Right. The wind didn't come from me. It was just a cold, windy day. It was perfectly normal late-December weather. It was just a coincidence that a particularly strong gust arrived just at the moment I had practically erupted from stress and frustration. The fact the my hands automatically snapped outward instinctively was completely unrelated to the weather. People make random, sporadic movements all the time. Maybe my muscles grew too cold and spasmed. It was unlikely, but it could happen.

A few feet away, Evangeline and Simon had stopped their training and were gaping at me with evident shock. The urge to say the classic phrase this isn't what it looks like rose up within me, but first I had to figure out what the hell was going on. Was the universe trying to mess with my head?

Rebecca, apparently, had come to her own conclusion as a victorious laugh emanated from her.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed. "Now do you believe me, Reese?"

I couldn't respond. I didn't know how to respond.

"What the fuck was that?" Evangeline growled. It was then that I noticed her nails had curled into claws. Obviously, I'd startled her to the point where she'd begun to transition.

"She's a witch!" Rebecca grinned with glee, green eyes sparkling. "An air witch it seems. It's not really what I was expecting, but it's still cool!"

"An air witch?" Simon strode over to Rebecca's side, extending a hand to pull her to her feet. "That's fucking fantastic!"

"Language, Simon," Rebecca warned. The kid frowned in response, but didn't protest.

"She's a witch?" Evangeline shot a wary glare at me, then rounded on Rebecca. "How did you know that? Clearly, the Hunter herself had no clue!" She nodded to where my fists were clenched, my nails digging into my palms, though the rest of me was filled with an eerie calm. Was in shock? Maybe. Maybe not.

"I connected the pieces," Rebecca said. "I probably would have made a decent detective." She shrugged. "Anyway, I though she was a fire witch - due to her temper and fiery personality - but now the temperature fluctuations and gusts of wind make perfect sense now."

Evangeline snorted. "If magic was connected to personality, then the Hunter's witch would be stronger with water, not - "

"Enough," I snapped, finally regaining control over my vocal cords. "This is all just one big coincidence. I'm human, all right? Completely and utterly human. There's nothing remotely supernatural about me!"

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