Chapter 53

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"Boss!" Karias exclaims upon seeing that Frankenstein managed to stand up again. Rael noticed the dark and menacing aura around Frankenstein, it is growing stronger and darker.

"Werewolves already have extremely quick regenerative abilities as it is, but you're even faster than that. This is so unfair." The Clan Leaders stare at him as if he's insane, which he probably is.

"You can move?" Dorant narrows his eyes towards Frankenstein. He is so sure that the human was done just a minute ago, how is he still standing is beyond him.

"Ah... yeah. There was a problem because my lover had a change of heart for a second but it's been resolved now. It was tough to calm the nerves." Dorant looks at Frankenstein's empty hands to search for his damned weapon. The unique aura of the weapon can be sensed on the ground around him but the weapon is nowhere to be found. The ground around Frankenstein is covered by a dark and thick liquid that is slowly moving and scattering.

'Where is it?' Dorant asked to himself, still in search of the damned weapon.

"Karias, Rael. You two stay back now." The two immediately moved out of the way as soon as they saw Frankenstein's crazed look.

"You're going to face me alone? What difference will it make when you're in that state?" That is exactly what Rael and Karias wanted to ask but they thought that it is better for them to shut their mouths when their boss is at this state.

"Don't worry, this time I told it not to interfere during the fight." 

Dorant frowns at his opponent.

"Did you hurt your head? You haven't been making sense this whole time."

"You'll see for yourself whether it's nonsense or not. It has been bugging me to introduce you to it for a while now." The dark thick liquid on the ground advances towards Dorant who was almost caught by surprise. 

The werewolf was able to jump away from the weapon but the liquid turned into hundreds of solid sharp spikes. It did not stop there, the dangerous spikes grew bigger then turn into snake-like vines with one sole purpose; to attack him. Dorant tries to avoid it with everything he can but they are not stopping from trying to get to him. Annoyed by all this, Dorant releases a wave of his power to extinguish the vines around him. However, his efforts were not enough to eliminate all of it, some still managed to land their attack on him. His body is littered with wounds as a result.

"So is that energy that was on the ground that weapon?"

Dorant looks at his wounds and noticed that they were not healing.

"What the?!"

Frankenstein grins at the effect his weapon brought to his opponent.

"I knew it... It's definitely messing up your regenerative ability."

Dorant glares at his deranged opponent...

"I can't figure out what that power of yours is... How are you able to affect my regenerative ability this much?" He asked after noticing that his wounds are not only healing but it looks like they were being infested by something poisonous.

"You'll find out soon. It's starting to like you more and more too."

"Arrogant bastard, I'll make you regret getting up again."

"Fine, let's end this." Frankenstein smirks while preparing for a full-blown attack.

"I'll make sure you never get up again. And I'll destroy all of that damned power too." Dorant meets Frankenstein with his own attack. 

Rael and Karias protect themselves from the onslaught of waves, wind, and dirt because of the battle of the two. They noticed the sinister grin on Frankenstein's face despite his wounds and injuries from the fight. His dark chuckle added to the menacing aura that sends cold shivers down their spines. Dorant returns Frankenstein's attack with everything he can.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now