Chapter 39

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'Aren't we leaving?' Reina looks at Raizel who is still watching Muzaka.

'Well, it seems like we have to stay here to babysit him.' she sighs then continues to slowly heal the unconscious kids, she learned how to save her energy from the scolding that Frankenstein gave her every time she would take her power for granted.

"How about you?" Reina asked M-21 who is still bleeding but his light wounds are starting to heal. Looking at him, it seems like he needed healing too but Reina decided to wait for his other wounds to heal. His body needs to get used to these kinds of things if he wants to survive in this world.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." he murmurs before looking away, obviously not used to being the center of her attention.

"I can never not worry when it comes to you guys." M-21 automatically stares at her when he heard those words. He felt like she means each word she just uttered, and she probably does. He remembers the rage on her face when she first caught a glimpse of their pitiful state.

He was about to say something when the island rumbles from the impact of power.

"What is happening?" Reina frowns as she stares at the severed body of the werewolf that Muzaka was just talking to.

"Did you say it's just the two of you? Did Maduke really send only the two of you to kill me?" There and then, Reina saw Muzaka as the previous lord of the werewolves and not the Muzaka as Raizel's friend. Well, it seems like I don't need to waste my life to punish the ones who made this t my kids. Reina grins at herself, scaring M-21.

"Has Maduke lost it? Or have I been asleep so long that I don't get the jokes from this period of time?" The previous lord of the werewolves grimly said.

"Grui!" Gaitan exclaims, the death of his comrade finally sinking in.

"I don't get what Maduke is thinking. Did he really think you two could get rid of me?"

"Stop being so cocky. This happened because he wasn't in any condition to fight." Gaitan said in between gritted teeth which makes Reina shakes her head.

"He should have just admitted that they can't get rid of him... this is just his pride talking." Reina murmurs under her breath.

"I will show you. That everything was changed from when you were Lord." Gaitan's already huge body became bigger than before, his power became stronger too. He rushes to Muzaka with a fist prepared to punch but Muzaka was able to stop the assault with just one hand.

"Muzaka, we have changed since you betrayed us and went into sleep. We weren't stupid enough to only rely on our family's strength. We kept on improving ourselves."

"You mean to say you used human technology?"

"Yes, that's right!" Gaitan may not have seen it, but Reina certainly did... Muzaka's anger.

"Our family got so much stronger thanks to their technology!" Gaitan then rained Muzaka of series of punches that pushed Muzaka to defend himself.

"Is running your mouth all you know how to do? I thought you were going to show me something different... or is this it? Do you mean to say that this is the strength you got by using human technology?" Gaitan visibly flinches. Muzaka threw a punch at him that sent him a few steps back. The fight continues but Reina turns her attention to M-21 who is captivated by the fight that is happening in front of him.

The result is obvious... Muzaka won and Gaitan disappeared without a trace because of Muzaka's power.

Raizel protects everyone in a big bubble of his power.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now