Tea house.

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For the past few days papa showed me around the new workplace and introduced me to the people working there. Everyone was very friendly and quite efficient with their work. I was introduced to Mathew Trade, who was previously employed at my papa's main office. He will be my assistant and help me familiarise with whatever I have to do.

Enrique was busy with a new upcoming project while I was busy with my very first official project so hardly had any time to sit around and chat. It is either him or I returning home way past dinner time. The only comfort we get is sleeping in each other's embrace. Also he started getting all handsy ever since we last did that. Sigh, never knew he had such a thick skin.

"Everything went smoothly. There were no signs of hesitation from the clients side. We can smoothly press forward with our decision." Mathew said handing me the documents. "Okay." I sighed a sigh of relief. It's the first project I'm undertaking after I joined the company and there's no way I can mess it up.

It was already lunchtime by the time I finished going through some files. I decided to have lunch with Enrique and gave him a call. Two rings and he already answered the call. "Baby, my wifey. Did you miss me?" Came his deep magnetic voice.

" Who's your wifey?" I rolled my eyes even though he can't see me. "Done with your lunch?"

"I just want to have you as my three course meal." He said in a low seductive voice. My face unwilling heat up because of it.

"That was a such a cringe." I grimaced. "Only with you love."  He chuckled and said he was coming to pick me up. We said our goodbyes and I packed up to leave.

Enrique told me that he found a new place that served very nice asian cuisines. The place was a little bit further than I thought it would be but when the place he mentioned came into sight, it was truly different from what I imagined.

It almost looked like a tea house but bigger in size. Moreover, it was situated in the midst of bamboo forest which gave the place a very beautiful and serene atmosphere. Never knew a place like this exist, far away from the city.

He took my hand and we entered the place. A tall figure came to our view. He greeted Enrique and took us upstairs. He led us to the seat near the window saying that it has the most beautiful view. He gave us the menu and left.

"Do you like this place?" Enrique gave a knowing smile.

"I didn't know such a place existed here." I ignored his smile and answered genuinely.

"As long as you like it." He grinned. I stared helplessly at him and checked the menu.

We ordered braised pork belly, sweet and sour pork, wonton, fried rice and Lanzhou beef lamian.

"Can we even finish all these?" I didn't want to waste food but it was really too much. "Don't worry wifey, eat as much as you can. I have a big appetite so I'll finish the rest." He smiled kissing my cheek.

" You can reward me with some desserts later." He grinned looking at my lips. My ears and cheeks were burning up with embarrassment. I hit his arm which of course had no effect on him.

The man who greeted us before came again and set down two cups of fragrant tea for us to drink. "Baby, I'll like to introduce my friend, he's Xiao Bei. We met during our university days." Enrique introduced him to me.

"Hello. I've heard a lot about you from Enry. It's nice to finally meet you in person." He smiled. "Hello. It's nice meeting you too." I greeted him politely.

"Love, try this tea. Xaio Bei brought this all the way from his hometown for you to try it." Enrique said taking a sip from his cup.

"Really?" I was surprised and touched. "Thank you so much Mr. Bei. It smells so fragrant." The tea had a liquor like colour. I took a sip and the flavours inside my mouth burst, holding my taste buds captive. It leaned towards fruity side and had the right amount of floral smell and taste to it. It wasn't heavy as I thought.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed, happily going for another sip.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled. "It's called yellow tea, it is a type of lightly-fermented tea. It originates from the provinces of Hunan, Sichuan, and Zhejiang in China." He continued.

"Wow. Thank you for making me try such a wonderful tea." I said feeling really thankful from the bottom of my heart.

"Happy to serve you. Please enjoy the rest of the food." He said as the waiters served our lunch and left us alone.

Every dish present here was delightful. It was so delicious, every bit of the food was eaten clean by the two of us. Mr. Bei served us some light tea to cleanse the oily texture left behind by the food and help with the digestion. If I had to rate it, I'll give it five stars without a moment of hesitation.

Beautiful scenery, delicious food and aromatic tea..what can a person ask for more. After enjoying our stay, we said our goodbyes to Mr. Bei and left the place. He was very kind and gifted us a set of tea leaves and rice cakes to enjoy.

"Enrique, how did you discover this place?" I asked as I chew on a piece of rice cake.

"Xiao Bie has always loved cooking and introducing his culture and food to anyone and everyone he meets. He always told me that he wants to open a tea house kind of place here. The land where the tea house is situated right now is actually a gift my grandfather gifted me on my 16th birthday."

"I didn't know what to do with it." He continued. "I  didn't want to destroy the beautiful scenery but I was busy with other matters that I never paid attention to how I should utilise it. Luckily I met Xiao Bei and after listening to his ideas, we decided to be business partners and build that tea house."

"I can say that it's beautifully done." I was being honest because everyone has big ideas but it's only some that can really pull off what they envision.

"Are you falling for me more after this?" He chuckled. "I was until you mentioned it." I shrugged. "I guess I'll have to try harder." He laughed entwining his free hand with mine.

"By the way, I haven't met your grandparents yet." It was the first time he brought up his grandpa and I was curious.

"My grandparents are on a holiday trip right now. So many years together and they're still in love like it was their first." He gave a light laugh.

" They sound really romantic." I smiled imagining how it must be. " They really are. Especially my grandpa. His love for my grandma is truly envious."

"I wonder how they were when they were young like us. I believe it must have been a glorious youth."

"During their youth, they didn't had it easy. Grandma was the gem of her family and was doted heavily whereas grandpa was the least favourite son of the household. His elder brother was the perfect son and his younger brother was a gifted musician. Grandpa, though he had the looks and brain, he was quite rebellious."

"He made some shady friends and had connections with the underworld. It was only after dad taking over the inheritance that we've washed clean from the dark. Grandma was quite a daring lady herself or she wouldn't have fallen for my grandpa at all."

Grandma's parents were strongly against their relationship while Grandpa's parents were against it as well. It was not because they didn't like grandma but it was because they thought my grandpa didn't deserve her." He laughed.

"Now I really want to meet your grandparents." I laughed along with him. "You'll meet them soon love. And I'm sure they'll love you. I'm just worried they'll think I'm not good enough for you."

Hello lovelies!! I hope all of you are happy and healthy! Please stay safe and take care! Always remember that you're valid. I love you all!💜

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