chapter 40: The saintess returned

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Adelliana was informed by Yvonne about her parents' return. She nodded her head as an answer and dismissed Yvonne. She was left alone with Seraphina in the guestroom.

Adelliana sips her tea while watching Seraphina freely control the flying cookies with her magic.

"Is magic that convenient for you?" Adelliana cracks a question out of curiosity and boredom. She's also wanted to learn how to use magic after seeing all the cool tricks Seraphina showed her.

"Yeah. I can do whatever I wanted with my power. I don't need to rely on parents with magic. To be honest, I don't see anything good with attending the academy. Why should I attend it when I am able to control my magic."

Seraphina lifts the teapot with her magic and pour the tea into her teacup. Due to her perfect magic controlling, Seraphina can even control the magic to not spill the tea.

[ Tch, damn dead salmon fish...boasting to me with her perfect magic...]

Adelliana bit her lips in bitter jealousy. It's so cool!! She's really want to do magic too!! Should she sneak on how to use magic? There are tons of books inside the library, if she's lucky enough then she might find a magic book.

"How are you gonna use your magic freely when you grow up if you don't have a legal magician licence?" Adelliana rest her back against the sofa and wrapped her arms.

Seraphina slowly put down the teapot. Her face was lost in dumbfounded thoughts. Even though she doesn't show it, Adelliana could tell what is going inside her head.

"I didn't know we also need legal licence to use magic in this world..."

"Well duh. If you're a knight, you also need to have a legal licence for it. They are no different from jobs on earth. Magician and knight are common jobs in this world. If you're a government official, you also need one. If you're a detective, you also need one."

Magician/knight without legal licence is considered to be an spy from other empire. Elizabeth Henry the fifth was the one also created this law for Beresford due to spies invaded.

It was even difficult for spies to disguise in with fake licence because the Beresford empire job licence has a special identification magic with the owner finger print.

So when you need to identify yourself, the magic crystal machine with scan the finger print to exactly know if this were really the owner.

Once the guards found out you're a fake, you will be thrown into the prison, waiting for the punishment.

As why noble sent their children to study in Beresford Academy, it's because they will automatically get an identity card and job licence which allow you to become whatever you want.

To become the head of Valentine, Adelliana need to graduate from that academy with highest grade to receive the identity card and job licence to train as a knight in the palace and to learn how to use magic in magic tower.

But in Adelliana's case, it will be unnecessary. Her father is a good friend with the emperor. Her mother is a close friend with the queen. Her uncle is the archmage.

"Sound complicated..." Seraphina yawned and close her Eyes.

Back to Ares' study, Cronus was sitting across Ares. Ares and Aphrodite just returned from the the town in a hurry. The shocking event they met were still left in the husband and wife's head.

"And what business do you have with me today?" Ares place his teacup down, waiting for his cousin's answer.

"The investigation of the temple went well. It seem like the missing saintess has returned." Cronus waste no time and reply.

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