Chapter 17 [ Elina ]

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I wasn't sure how both of us get a long so well but right now, we both are currently immersing in a hot conversation.

"Yeah, you know! The other day, my father was being a little jerk and he kept bullying my little sister."

"Just how bad can he be?"

"Urgh, worse than a goblin eating rabbit. He...he's no different from a bad crocodile from 'The old man and the ungrateful crocodile'!!"

I can understand the language but I don't understand what the hell is he talking about. Since when did a bad man who bullied his daughter became an ungrateful?

Top ten mysterious evolution that even scientists can't explain.

"You must really love your little sister if you go as far as calling your dad a crocodile." I let out a small sigh and smile.

"Of course, I do! She's the most angelic holy mythical angel that heaven sent! Her smile could lit a light of hope in the abyss of despair! Her laugh is a song of salvation. Her tear is a desperation for living. No word aside from Perfect could describe my angelic sister."

The blonde airhead kneel on the ground with one hand on his chest and one hand in the midair. His blue eyes were shining with hope and dream.


He just made a poem out of his younger sister. How cultured of him...let stay away from him and his sister as far as I could. Siscon is the least type of person I don't want to mess with.




I suddenly stood up in surprise. I'm not a reader for nothing! Why would I forget such point!!? This guy is a prince and the son of the second male lead, emperor Helios Eero Peregrine!

Didn't the novel only mentioned Helios only has three kids?!! Two boys and one girl and the girl is the second child. Where did this younger sister of his came from?!!

"Hah? Of course, I have a younger sister. Wait, did you even listen to me this whole time?"

The prince wrapped his arms with a pout on his face. cute.

WAIT!!! NO!!!


If he finds out that I knew he's a prince, he'll go all dramatic saying that because he's a prince, no one want to play with him and then he'll left me all alone again.

Nope!!! Not letting that happen!

"Jeez, where did your mind go while I was talking? Whatever, now come to think of it, I never catch your name!"

"You go first!" I'm not a heroine who would always introduce myself first :p.

"Mine is August. What about yours? Gugu or Jeezee?" August smirked and covered his mouth with his right hand.

Damn brat...he has a bad taste in name (¬_¬).

"I'm Adele, simple right?"

"Adele...Adele...your name reminded me of my father's friend daughter. He has a daughter around my sister's age, and she has an uncommon name. Adelliana, weird isn't it?"

Little prick, how dare he -_-)? But he has a point, my name is really weird yet it's sound nice to hear, self praising time.

"But her name sounds really nice. It's weird and uncommon but I like it." August smiles, revealing his white bright Hollywood teeth.

I place my hand on his shoulder and wipe my fake tear away.

"You're a nice person, bro...I'm sure your wife is a good person."

"What the heck?"

We laughed and run around the garden for a while. Later, August asked me if I wanted to see his secret garden. I naturally agreed cause why not? This is a royal palace, after all.

August hold my hand tightly as we tried to get pass the guards. We successfully get into the cave August mentioned without any trouble.

Inside the dark cave, I held his hand tightly because I don't like darkness. Funny, I'm a 21 years old woman if you plus my mental age, holding a kid's hand while walking into a cave.

"Here we are." August's low voice and the light from the end of the cave made me relieved. I blocked the light with my hand and when we reach that light, a whole new world was waiting for new.


The sound of waterfall and the smell of flowers with small little humans flied around was like a scene out of a fairy tale book.

Somehow, did we crossover to Barbie's secret door?

"This is my secret garden, welcome."

August finally let go of my hand and let me explore to my heart content. The elegant historical tiles on the ground was enough to make me cried in tears of excitement.

"Can I have one rose?" I sniff the pink rose and touch its soft petal.

"Of course, but let me cut the thorns off first." August came to me with a scissors that I don't know where the hell did it came from.

He cut the rose and cut all of the thorns before handing it to me.

"Here is a welcome gift for you." August grinned happily. I happily held the rose in my hand and laugh with him.

"You right there...who are you and what's up with your magic?"

A tall shadow covered the top of my head, and the soft yet powerful voice forced me to turn around. It was like an invisible hand forced me to turn around.

Before me was a tall woman with a long silver hair. She was beautiful and her two pointed ears already told me that she isn't a human.

"Fairy queen, I-I can explain this." August stepped up and hide me behind him.

"Prince Augustine, please step aside. This little girl has a really weird mana flowing inside her."

I gulp and taps on August's shoulder. I nod my head at him to signal him that I'm okay. It's obvious, the reason why my magic is weird is because I'm not from this world.

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