Chapter 24: [ The lively castle on the hill ]

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During that night, I didn't get any nightmare like I expected. It was like I fall into a peaceful eternal slumber. My body was surrounded by warm and comfort, it was like I was under someone's protection. Due to my really satisfying sleep for a whole night without any weird dream or nightmare, I woke up early in the morning to found myself between hard and soft body. know what are they, I won't tell you.


Ahem, I really wished to get up and go to pee but seeing my parents ' comfortable faces, I kept lying between them, sweating hard.

And why are they casually sleeping on my bed and hug me? Well, Ares not only hugged me but he's also hugging Aphrodite as his arm was really long. 2 people with one arm!! Sorry, that joke must have been really terrible.

I thought I can stay like this for another whole hour but I underestimate my urge to pee. Oh no no no no!! At this rate, I'll wet the bed with my holy golden liquid.

Sorry guys, but I really need to pee!!

I got up from my bed quickly and run on the mattress, grabbing my dress' skirt to hold my urge to pee. I jumped from my bed and rush to the bathroom, slamming the door loudly.

Sorry that I disturbed your sleeping, mom and dad T__T , daughter will see you in the next 2 minutes.

Surprisingly, after I finished my morning meditation, I found that both of them still sleep well like they weren't disturbed by my rustle or the door slammed.

I shouldn't bother them, they are husband and wife and they should sleep together more.

All hail, Ares x Aphrodite ship! You wanna join? They will leave soon so get your stuff and abroad on this ship as we sail towards the storm and under the blue sky at the same time.

I gently closed the door and head to the kitchen, looking for morning snack. The closer I walk to the kitchen, the louder the song from the kitchen get. In Beresford, singing are really popular. Male and female loves to sing, to express their happiness, sadness and longing.

Despite knowing this fact, I have never heard or seen once myself. However, I unexpectedly hear they sing in Valentine castle.

Through the hope and despair

We shall tightly hold our hands

Carefully so that we won't more

Let go the sadness in our

As we move on with heart of determine

Strongly so we won't shed our tear anymore

By the time I reached the kitchen, the song already ended. I live in a Disney world where everyone sang now. Huhu, so lucky.

I wanted to hear more so I decided to make my appearance. When they about to sing a new one, I stepped in into the kitchen.

"Mind if I join in and listen to you?"

"L-lady Adelliana?!! What are you doing inside the kitchen in your night dress?" They were all so startling that some even dropped the equipment inside their hands.

"I'm in a very good mood today, so I thought I should get myself a snack and might as well came here to visit you. I unexpectedly heard a very beautiful song on my way."

I climbed to a tall chair and grinned foolishly. Margaret who was helping the staffs there, laughed.

"My my, to suddenly receive a compliment from our Lady is really joyful."

Wondering to why they sang and how they sing in a perfect different turn, I asked them.

"Say, how do you sing without messing up a lyric with so many people? Do you have someone to lead?"

They start to laugh at my question like it was sort of a funny joke. Yvonne was the first one to answer my question.

"My lady, you may not know this but we sang every morning and every time we can. You may wondering it's an odd habit but singing is like reliving our stress and express our emotions. "

Just like what I learned, everyone sang to let out their true feelings and emotion. It was not bad to hear them sing whenever I woke up.

"What about the song from earlier?"

"That song was written by a famous music composer from long time ago, they say he sang this song without the lyrics written beforehand. His name was Lawrence County, he sang this song during war."

I listened to Lawrence the music composer's history from Yvonne and many other maids. Before I was told to wash up and change my dress, I requested them to sing the whole song.

They accepted my request and sing. That morning, when the singing from the kitchen was ringing through the castle, some maids and servants also began to sing along even the knight training ground.

The silence crying of pain echoed the city on fire

Praying to god above for help, but we know you won't be able to hear

The sea of flame devours my child and my home

Our crying was loud but not enough for god to hear

The flame die down, but why should I go home if there is no one to welcome me?

On the bloody battlefield, my warriors are screaming

What can this foolish king do to help thee?

My soldiers keep dying, my people are waiting for the hopeless victory

As your king, I hope my sacrificial will quell part of your resentment

Through the hope and despair

We shall tightly hold our hands

Carefully so that we won't more

Let go the sadness in our

As we move on with heart of determine

Strongly so we won't shed our tear anymore

I feel like this is more like a tasteless poem than a song since I can't sing it 🗿🗿

Chapter 25 will be publish tomorrow 😇

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