Chapter 7

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530 years ago

There was a small hut in the woods. Small enough to house two people, yet it fit those two people comfortably. It was hidden away from prying eyes. A woman walked up the barely noticeable path. She was dressed in a dark cloak that hid the simple white dress she picked out that day. The woman walked fast, checking behind her every few steps or so. She reached the hut in no time with her fast pace. One more glance behind her and she was inside. She made her way into a familiar bedroom and leaned on the door frame. It was a simple room with not much in it but a bed and small dresser.

"Alaina, how are you and the babe today?" The woman's voice startled the other woman in the room. 

A small smile lightened up the face of the pregnant woman in the bed. She was beautiful even with tired eyes. She had deep red hair twisted into a bun. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue, and freckles spattered her pale face. She was a rather thin woman when they had met, but now her stomach was round and waiting for the time when the mother would give birth. 

"Tara! I am well. It is so good to see you. I wondered if we would see you again before the babe is to arrive." The woman's smile brightened even more. "The baby is kicking again. Talon no longer lets me leave the bed on my own. He worries too much I think." Talon was indeed overprotective of Alaina, but as every male wolf would be of their pregnant mate. Tara smiled at her friends pouting. 

"Speaking of your lovely mate, where is he today?"  Tara sat on the side of the bed while grabbing Alaina's hand. Alaina moved Tara's hand to her stomach as the baby started to kick again. 

"I think it senses your presence." Alaina winced before answering Tara's question. "He's out hunting today. He thinks that the boar he brought home the other night wasn't enough food for me." 

Alaina wasn't as dimwitted as some would think. She knew she needed a lot of food for both her and the baby, but it never ceased to irk her when Talon would nag her. Alaina might have lived a pampered life before she met Talon, but she knew how to take care of herself. She was a wolf after all. Tara knew her friend could be bullheaded when she wanted to. Tara had known Talon for a long time as well, and knew he meant no harm when he would chastise Alaina. 

"Talon is a sweet man my dear. He cares for you, and he is just doing his best to insure this pregnancy does not kill either of you." Tara soothed. 

Alaina rolled her eyes, deciding it was time to change topics. "Have you told Charles yet that you are expecting a child?" 

It was Tara's turn to roll her eyes. "If that muck-spout cannot smell the change in my hormones by now then he does not deserve to know. It has been awhile now and I have been ill every morning. You would think the man protecting our Alpha would not be so daft, but I suppose it can wait a bit longer." 

For werewolves, pregnancy lasted a much shorter time than it did for humans. Alaina was in her fifth month of pregnancy, and it would only be a month longer till she had her baby. Alaina and Tara were excited to meet their babies. The dangerous aspect of  werewolf pregnancy wasn't a concern on either of their minds right now. Alaina moved to get out of the bed that she had been in for most of the day. 

"Now, let me get you some food. I think there's still some stew on the fire. My god-child needs to eat." Tara moved herself up off the bed as well. The women moved to the small kitchen. It was filled with a table and chair that Talon hand crafted. There was a small counter that they used for butchering animals. The fireplace had a mount for the single pot they used for stew. Tara grabbed one of the bowls they had and filled it with stew. She set the bowl in front of Alaina and allowed her a few minutes to eat

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