Chapter 3

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***Three hundred years ago***

The pack surrounded me in a circle. They all seemed to be swaying to some music that wasn't playing. The Alphas all stood before me with blank expressions. There was a slight breeze that tickled my skin as I looked up to the moon. It was almost midnight. I just had to survive. The thought kept circling my head like an annoying fly. There were so many emotions pouring through me right now, but I couldn't let them show on my face. I was the essence of calm on the outside. I was wearing nice trousers that Tara had made for me. She knew I hated the layers of dresses and petticoats that the women of this century were forced to wear. She also, for once, understood it wouldn't be practical for me to fight in heavy layers of dresses. It was an important night me. I was proud and excited to show off in front of the Alphas. Maybe Ezekiel would finally see me as a good fighter and make me a guard. All I wanted was to help protect my pack.

I had been training for this since I was little. Charles had made sure I was just as strong as his son Felix. He had made sure that I wasn't like some of the girls who couldn't defend themselves. He thought It was important for me not to rely on my mate to protect me. Charles stood with the other Shadows behind their Alphas. He was a strong man that I looked up to. He had a stern look on his face when his eyes met mine. They conveyed a clear message. Survive. It was always duty before family with him, but I could see a glimmer of fear for me. Did he not think I could do it?

I would, though. I would prove to him that I deserved to be in this pack. I had to because if I didn't, then I would die tonight. Everyone knew that, though. It was just a simple fact. Tradition dictated that no medical help would come to those who went through initiation. You had to live through the poison of the Alphas bites on your own. Otherwise, what good would you be to a pack.? Alphas had poisonous bites that affected every wolf in a different way. Some had hallucinations while others broke out into cold sweats. Others would strike a fever so bad that touching them was like sticking your hand in a fire. The only thing that was always the same with a bite was that our faster healing would be slowed a margin. No one had ever been able to take all sixteen Alpha bites without dying. After the bites, any Alpha that so wished could fight the new wolf and test our skills. This was to test how well we fought under duress and to see where we could fit into pack life.

I was allowed a Socius- A partner to help me through this. If anything happened to where I was seriously injured and couldn't fight the Alphas, then I was allowed to have my Socius to take any remaining Alpha bites and fight in my place to prove my worth. This was the Moon Goddess' way of helping us survive. She knew the struggle we had with reproducing, and without this rule, it was likely that all of us would be dead. I thought the Moon Goddess was a little sadistic. This tradition made no sense, but I wouldn't question it. I had no Socius. I didn't need one. I didn't need anyone proving anything for me. This was my night to shine.


Hades was following close at my heels as we searched the room. I was trying to ignore him, but his footsteps sounded so loud in my ears. My skin felt like it was being pricked with needles every time his arm brushed against mine. He was so tall compared to my five foot eight height. I felt small in his shadow, and I couldn't get the small pinch in my gut to go away.

"This following isn't necessary, Hades. If we split up, we could find Adrian faster." I tried again to get him away from me.

"Yes, it would be faster, especially if I knew what he looked like." Hades chuckled. The sound was like a symphony. I saw a few women swooning, yes actually swooning, from the sound. I rolled my eyes. Never would I be the type of woman to swoon over a man.

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