Chapter 5

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I had woken up the next morning with Doc poking and prodding at me. Doc frowned a bit when checking the bite on my neck. I didn't think anything of it. It hadn't healed yet which was a little odd, but the poison was still working its way out of my body. Doc didn't seem too worried either, so I figured I would be fine.

"It hasn't healed yet like your other bites. I still don't understand why you fainted my dear. You're one of our strongest. It just doesn't make sense." Doc said the last part more to himself than to me. "You should heal in the next few days or so. Come see me if you don't."

He handed me some extra gauze and told me again the importance of taking in easy. As I was getting up to leave I looked at the older man and softened my voice before I spoke. "Keep me updated on Adrian please? I'll be here the second I know he is awake."

I hopped off the bed that Doc had used as a examination table, eager to be away from the pristine room. I made my way outside to enjoy some of the heat. It was barely fall and the trees were starting to turn colors, but we would still have some nice hot days before the days cooled into winter. I thought about the night before. It was rather weird. Hades had stayed for most of the night. He had left at some point because when I woke up he wasn't sitting in his chair. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the fact that he wasn't there, but I had focused instead on Doc and his annoying rewrapping of my wound.

There were multiple training grounds around the pack house. Most of the spots were tucked away on the off chance that some human could see us. I headed towards one of the fields to see how everyone was doing. Most of the time I would be there before anyone else to train before I had to follow Zeke, but Doc had made it very clear that if I tried to train he would break my arms over and over until the rest of me healed with my arms. The particular training ground I chose to go to was packed with people. Some chose to train in their wolf form, others in their human form. Most of the males were shirtless and puffed out as their testosterone got the best of them. I laughed to myself as I saw Jasper floundering around like a fish out of water. He was trailing in the back of a group that were doing laps around a track. I couldn't tell if he was jogging or if he was once again trying to avoid training. I could feel some of the pack member's eyes on me when I took a seat at the base of a tree trunk. I should've been down there with them, but to avoid the very serious threat Doc had given me earlier I decided to keep a safe distance away.

I laughed a bit more when I saw Jasper arguing with one of the training instructors. Jasper was too kind or too ignorant to pull rank to get out of training. Being a Gamma he didn't have to train everyday. He had higher pack duties to attend to. It was instances like this though that made Zeke so hard on Jasper about training. Extra training would hopefully teach Jasper some discipline.

I waited by the tree until practice was over. Most of the wolves had gone back to their houses to get cleaned up, but a few still lingered either talking in groups or training more to push themselves. I would always stay to train as long as I wasn't needed elsewhere. I was one of the few female warriors of the pack. Most couldn't be bothered with the grueling training we went through. That wasn't to say we didn't train the females to be fighters. Zeke believed in letting us choose to continue with the training or not.

"Fallon!" I saw Joe, one of the guys that stayed to train with me whenever he had the time, beckoning me over to him and a group of his friends. I pushed myself up off the ground and made my way over to them.

"Why weren't you down here with us? Finally sick of us or are you done trying to run with the big dogs?" Ren was the first to speak when I reached them. I was never fond of Ren. He was a pompous asshole who thought he knew everything. He always had been like that since he was born. He still believed that females had no place in fighting. He was a good friend of Felix and as such he tended to do shit just to bother me. I might have found the first part of what he said as a sweet concern for a fellow pack member if he hadn't of followed up with the second part.

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