Chapter 45

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- S a n d e o R u s s o -

This is absolute chaos.

Amara has disappeared, and we all have no idea where she was.

There was no sign of a kidnapping, no sign of her leaving the house because we have security cameras there, no nothing. It was as if she disappeared from existence.

Salvatore was going crazy from sleep deprivation. First with the Irish Mafia, then his daughter, and now our sister missing, I can tell that it is stressing him out too much.

Rosy and Alicia have been isolating themselves from our group, and although it was something Salvatore preferred, we all knew that he was only delaying the inevitable conversation they would have to have when all of this died down.

As for Ace and his group, they were working late nights, and most of them all had dark circles under their eyes as their true age started to show. Except for Elena of course, who was forced to sleep by all three of her friends - her husband included - so that the baby could stay healthy.

I on the other hand had got the twins to help me comb the entire mansion from top to bottom. We checked the dining room, her room, the living room, the library; pretty much every single room we had in this mansion to no avail. She was still nowhere to be seen.

We were inclined to believe that the Irish had something to do with it, which is why we planned a raid on one of their warehouses so that we could bring some back here to torture.

"I think we're all ready." Salvestro announced to the group as he checked the mag of a few of our guns.

I myself preferred to use the Glocks because they had no external trigger safety, which meant that I didn't need to worry about the safety before firing off the first bullet. Of course, there were much more benefits, but this is probably the only reason I like it better than the other firearms we have at our disposal.

Right now, all of us were in the warehouse, only Elena, Samantha, and Alicia left behind to take care of the children and to make sure that the mansion is secure. They were all capable women, and I had no doubt that they would be able to hold down the house until we came back.

Our men and women stood behind us, conversing with each other as they prepared for the upcoming night of bloodshed.

"Marco, you and the twins are going to be breaking through the backdoor. Salvatore, you and Salvestro will be going through the side door. Sandeo and I will be going through the front door. You will all have a few people with you. Got it?" ordered Ace.

"Yes, Capo." we replied simultaneously.

Ace nodded before facing the dozens of lives surrounding us, the chatter dying down. All of them had attentive expressions on their faces, knowing that they had to know the battle plan or else we'd all be going in like a stampede of idiotic bulls.

"We will be destroying one of the Irish's warehouses today." shouted Ace, "The men I brought with me to Florida. You will split yourselves into three. One group will follow Marco, another will follow Salvatore, and the last group will follow me."

Ace's men nodded as they started distributing the roles to each other in an efficient manner.

"Salvatore's men!" Ace continued, "You will be dividing yourselves into three as well - just like my men! I want all of you to know exactly which group you are in in five minutes as Marco, Salvatore, and I will be explaining the battle plans to you! If you are late... Well, we'll go there if someone is late."

No one protested and everyone got to work immediately as I followed Ace to a corner of the warehouse as a few people started coming over to us.

A very familiar person who came over to Ace as well.

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