Chapter 8

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*TW: There will be scenes of hallucinations and non-graphic sexual assault (the scene is in italics if you really want to skip it) in this Chapter. Proceed with caution.*

- A m a r a  W i l l i a m s -

I wasn't able to hear anything. 

It was as if my head was under water, and it was drowning out the noise as I stared at the blood leaking down my arm as if it was a waterfall. 

So pretty.

'You did it. See? He's gone now.' the voice said happily. 'We'll be going now. We'll be seeing you on the other side.' 

The other side? What do you mean? 

It didn't answer my question, and I smiled a pitying smile.

"The voices are gone now too." I whispered, taking my right hand which had the face of him and throwing it away, putting it instead on my forehead.

"Amanda!" someone shouted. 

Why do I feel so relaxed? Was this how I was supposed to feel now that I had hurt him? Calm and relaxed?

"Amar!" someone yelled again. 

Who were they yelling for? Who's yelling?

"Amara!" the same person screamed, and I perked up at my name. Turning my head, I saw the blurry faces of five people, one of them with a tattoo running down their arm. 

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking at them. 

"What did you do?" one of them asked, and I looked at them as if they were crazy.

"I hurt him, you see?" I explained. "I actually hurt him!" I said excitedly, showing them my bloody arm. 

"What do you mean you hurt him?" another one asked. 

"It means that I hurt him. See those?" I said, pointing to the broken shards of the person. "Those are him, and I hurt him! I broke him, see?" I said, picking one up and slashing it against my arm. 

"Stop! What are you doing?" the one with the tattoo said.

"I told you. I'm hurting him!" I said, rolling my eyes. 

- S a n t i n o  R u s s o -

Oh my God. 

My sister has turned psycho. 

"Bambina... put down the glass." Salvestro said soothingly, and she looked at him as if he was scary. 

"Why? No! These pieces. They're comforting." she said, her skin going paler and paler by the second. 

"Come over here, piccola ragazza." Salvino said, face white at the sight.

"Hmm, did you know that that Italian nickname is the nickname my twin brothers gave me?" she said, looking at us with huge innocent eyes.

"No, we didn't know." he replied, going on with whatever she was saying.

"Well, I guess they aren't my brothers anymore though." she muttered more to herself than us, and that alarmed me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because they don't like me and hate me." she responds. "Just like father said. I am a disappointment to both family lines." she sighed, throwing away the glass shard.

"They don't hate you, Bambina." Salvestro said softly, and her eyes widened.

"Bambina. That was what my favourite brother had called me. Did you know that?" she asked, and if the situation weren't so dire, I knew that Salvestro would have a smug look on his face. 

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