Chapter 5

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- A m a r a  W i l l i a m s -

My ribs were aching, and my ankle was now starting to swell. Sighing, I scrolled through my phone, having literally nothing to do with it.

What am I supposed to do if I can't even have social media? What types of social media are there anyways?

Scrolling through the internet, I am met with many different social media apps, a big one named, Tik Tok. 

What in the world is Tik Tok? Like what the heck is Tik Tok? Is it supposed to be the abbreviation of Tick Tock or something?

Confused out of my mind, I searched it up to find many explanations. Apparently, this 'Tik Tok' was supposed to be an app where you film short videos of whatever you want and you share it with other people.

"Bambina," a voice said, knocking on the door. 

"Yes?" I asked, opened the door with my left hand.

"Come on. I told you that I needed to check on your burnt hand." Salvestro said, and started pulling me out of the room and to what seems to be a medical bay?

"Why is there a medical bay in your house?" I asked.

"Don't know. Salvatore decided to have one just in case." he shrugged as he put me on the chair. 

"Oh." I said, looking around. 

This place looked just like a hospital would with all the necessary equipment. There were beds lined up neatly and curtains around each bed so that each patient can have their privacy. 

"Give me your hand, Bambina." Salvestro said softly, and I hesitantly gave him my hand. 

"So, how did you get burned?" he asked, and I narrowed my eyes at him. From what I know about Sandeo, he was actually a huge snitch, and would practically tell his older brothers anything.

"I got burned while cooking." I replied simply, and he nodded his head as he continued poking my hand. 

"Ow!" I cried out when he hit a tender spot.

"Does that hurt?" he asked as he continued pocking.

 What do you think idiot? Would I cry out if it didn't?

"Yeah." I said instead, and he dipped his head in acknowledgement as he went into the cabinets.

"Ok. So, I don't think your burn is extremely bad." he started. "There will be scars, but I don't think that there'll be any lasting damage to your nerves. From what I can see, you have a second degree burn, which means that you burnt through your dermis, causing the swelling, pain, redness, the blistering and all that."

Salvestro continued explaining how we have three layers of skin and how I burnt to the second layer, and that if I burnt the third layer, my hand will be white, black, or even numb. Fortunately, I didn't have a third degree burn, and had a second degree. 

Using too many medical terms, I wasn't able to keep up with the amount of things he was saying. So, I ended up listening half-heartedly as he tried to explain the medical things to me.

"You're not understanding are you." Salvestro sighed, and I nodded my head sheepishly. 

"Fine," He puffed out a breath of air. "I'm going to be giving you some regular burn pastes where you can put it on your hand. Put it on two times a day, once in the morning and another before bed. Put on the bandage for the nights so that you don't get the medicine all over the bedsheets, but let it breath in the day all right?" he said quickly, handing me a roll of bandages and a disgusting smelling paste.

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