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"You've heard of him as well?" Isabella asked and I turned back.

"Kind of," I replied and her head bobbed thoughtfully, "I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I stood and they all nodded.

I circled the floor twice before actually finding the restroom. I washed my sweaty hands clean then stared at my reflection in the long mirror hung above the equally long sink.

It could be a different person, I deceived myself. I remembered him as smart and determined but he couldn't have made it. He shouldn't have made it. He was an asshole and assholes didn't deserve to make it.

I washed my hands again and walked out of the restroom. On getting back to the office, much to my dismay, Isabella and John were gathered around Joanne, staring intently at her computer screen.

"Come take a look at him." Isabella beckoned and left without much of a choice, I joined them.

It was him alright, and a better looking him too. My mouth instantly went bitter.

"He's hot, swoon-worthy." Joanne complimented the picture of him standing next to a podium with one of his hands in his pocket and the other, against the podium. He looked smart and aristocratic.

"I don't know, not so much." John shrugged.

"Typical lesser guy." Isabella rolled her eyes.

"They bully me, do you see how they do?" John complained to me and my lips lightly lifted into a smile.

"I totally agree with you John, he's not so swoon-worthy."

"You two must have buttons for eyes." Isabella rolled hers before walking back to her seat. I had barely sat on mine when someone entered the office.

"What's up Kells?" Joanne asked the woman.

"Everyone to tune into the info channel, the CEOs have news for us." She said and they all exchanged concerned looks. The flat-screen came alive with colour and a fairly old couple stood, facing presumably the camera that aired the video.

"That's Dieter and Leona," Joanne said from beside me.

"Good morning everyone." The grey-haired man greeted, "I'm not sure where to begin but Leona and I thought it better you hear the news from us before anyone else."

His wife, equally grey-haired like him but a tad more stylish stepped forward and held his hand.

"We had debts we didn't expect to catch up to us so suddenly. The company was at stake and was going to be taken away and everyone resigned from their jobs," Leona said, "but someone intervened and to cut the long story short the company has been sold."

I watched the faces of my coworkers turn sour. I felt sour too, not so much at the turn of events now but because I knew a little about debts and loans.

"This was our best option to make sure no one would be losing their jobs and have the integrity of our company preserved. Dieter and Leona technologies marketing company will now be a subsidiary of Illston technologies. Mr Illston will be here in two days when we make the official announcement to the press and world. Mr Illston will become the official CEO." Dieter said.

"Thank you," his wife finished and the feed was cut off.

"Wow." Joanne sighed.

"Don't they have children or something that could help?" I asked.

"Too wayward to care," Isabella shrugged.

"That's sad," I said and looked down at my desk.

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