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"Why are you smiling like that?"

"What? Smiling like what?" I coughed leaving behind the memory that now seemed almost like a daydream. William stood in front of me, eyeing me with unguised curiosity. When did he even get here?

"You dazed out for a moment like you were remembering something then started smiling mistily."

"I wasn't remembering anything," I was fast to say, "I'm just happy for you and Erin." I gave a noncommittal shrug. There was nothing to be misty about. We were no longer those people and would never be again.

"For some reason I don't completely believe you." He mused.

"Well neither do I." I turned an accusatory stare on him, taking the attention off me. "You could be lying about not being in the mafia. You could be doing that thing were you actually told me the truth but then said it was a lie so I'd think it was a lie but it was actually the truth."

"I'm almost flattered you believe I have what it takes to be in an actual mafia."

"This could all be part of your ploy." My eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I'm really not in the mafia, look my fingers aren't crossed." He raised his hands showing his uncrossed fingers but I still stared at him skeptically. After all, there really were complications right?

My gaze slowly moved from his face to his shoe clad feet then back up to his face.

"I'm not showing you my toes Ophelia," He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll drop it for now."

"Are you that worried for me?" He suddenly smiled.

"I am worried but for my wellbeing. Imagine the implications working for a mafia boss would bring to me."

Facing my apartment building again, a flash of blonde hair beside the closed glass door caught my attention. I immediately thought of my sister and her deranged husband and panic swelled in my chest. With quick steps, I reached the door and yanked it open. A gasp left my lips seeing Cecile being pushed harshly against the wall.

"What the hell?" I yelled and attempted to push the blonde haired man away from her. He glared at me, naked contempt clear as day in his light blue eyes. The only expressions I ever saw on his face were smugness, pride and the occasional stupidity but the raw wickedness in his eyes now fit him exceedingly. It equally frightened and angered me.

"You better stay the fuck out of this!" Richmond sneered and the world seemed to slowed in motion as his hand came down in my direction, too fast for me to react. I flinched but the burn never came.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I opened my eyes to see William holding Richmond's fist at bay. My lips parted and a sigh of relief escaped.

"Ophelia a-are you okay? I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I heard the whimper and immediately turned to Cecile but before I could get to her, she crumpled to the ground and started crying. Promptly bending to her level, more anger ran through my body as I saw the red outlines of hand prints all over her arms.

"Get your hand off me!" I heard Richmond yell and turned again to see him trying to shrug off William's hold on him futilely. William glanced at Cecile and I.

"I suggest you leave." He said.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Richmond snarled as he finally managed to free himself.

"Someone who won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you and still get you arrested." William warned but his entire demeanour remained calm.

Richmond seemingly sized William up before stepping back a little. He gritted his teeth then stared straight at Cecile. "I want a divorce."

The Billionaire & INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ