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I was deeply focused on reaching the next level of candy crush saga when the phone beside me rang. I tried ignoring it but it kept on ringing. With a sigh, I dropped my phone and held up the other. It was William's. I did a quick scan through the crowd that moved about the airport but couldn't see a sign of the navy blue shirt he had on. It'd been minutes since he left to get us smoothies and pastries while we waited for our flight to be called. It was Sunday and we were finally returning to New York.

The phone rang for the third time; the caller ID showing Irene. Merely a second passed when the call abruptly ended. I didn't give it much of a second thought and dropped the phone then continued my game on mine.

"Here," A smoothie appeared in my line of vision minutes later.

"Banana smoothie with a hint of chocolate?"

"Yes, I didn't forget. How could I? You emphasized it five times."

I smiled before collecting the cup and small paper bag. It felt warm. Inside, were croissants and Chelsea buns. I hummed in delight.

"What'd you get for yourself?" I asked William then suddenly remebered the calls, "and someone called, three times."

"Really?" He reached for his phone while I nodded.

"Yup, Irene."

I noticed him stiffen but didn't get to question it as my phone started ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, I stiffened as well.

"Lilian, hey."

"Miss Duhamels. I believe you're already in the airpot?"

I nodded at first then realised she couldn't see me. "Yes, we should be on the plane in a bit."

"Good. And everything went well?"

"Yes." I side eyed William who now had his phone to his ear. His face seemed a little scrunched up. "Pharaohs wants to begin next month and a potential investor from London showed interest."

"Okay. We will see tomorrow anyway, you can brief me more then. What about Mr Illston?"

"What about him?" I almost choked.

"Is he there?" From her tone, I knew she most likely had an 'are you dumb?' look on her face.

"He is, but he's on a call right now." At least I thought he was. Didn't seem like he was able to get through. His mouth wasn't moving.

"Alright then, goodbye." She ended the call. A sigh I knew I was most definitely holding, escaped my lungs.

Talking to Lilian gave me an epiphany and reality sunk down on me like a bag of a hundred pound weights. I looked at William, my ex and boss whom I just spent the entire weekend sleeping with and realised how doomed I was in every way possible. If Lilian ever finds out, she's going to bury me alive. I shuddered.

William who'd already dropped his phone now stared at me too. "Lilian?"

"Yes. Bad phone call?" I looked down at his phone.

"Something like that." He leaned back.

I was silent for a few then turned to him again. "What happened this weekend, it can't in New York."

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