Chapter 31

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"He could read our minds the whole time?" Layla screeches.

"That's so bad for us," Maryn whispers to her.

"Oh man, he totally heard me thinking about poisoning him." Layla facepalms.

"At least you weren't thinking about having sex with him!" Maryn groans in embarrassment.

"No, I did that, too!" Layla yells in panic.

Killian rolls his eyes and I laugh. "Guys, chill out. Dorian was planning on killing us too before he read our minds. I'm sure he won't hold the poisoning thing against you, Layls," Killian reassures her.

"What about the sex thing?" She asks hopefully.

Knox sighs. "Can we please stop talking about having sex with the bloodsuckers before I stab my ears out?"

"I have a knife," Jae helpfully adds.

Kage and I share a look of equal parts amusement and annoyance.

"Are you sure we can trust them?" Knox asks Killian.

Killian glances at me. "Positive."

He'll listen to you.

Fuck you, Dorian.

"Just try to keep your thoughts PG, please," Killian requests. "Otherwise this meeting is going to be very uncomfortable."

"No promises," Maryn mutters.

"He's just so hot," Layla sighs dreamily.

"I can't stop myself from thinking about staking him," Knox warns, and Jae nods in agreement.

"Am I allowed to interrogate him about vampires?" Gabe asks inquisitively. "It seems the literature we have is outdated and I have more to learn."

Killian rubs his temples. "Maryn and Layla, control yourselves. Knox and Jae, no staking. Gabe, you can ask him three questions. Kage, anything to add?"

Kage stares at him blankly.

He sighs. "Didn't think so. Katrina?"

I shake my head.

He sighs again. "Productive meeting, guys," he mutters, rolling his eyes. "We leave in twenty."

The circulus clears out of the room, Maryn and Layla freaking out about how to stop their sexual thoughts about Dorian, Jae and Knox lamenting about not being able to kill any vampires, and Gabe telling Kage "fun facts" about vampires.

Killian continues rubbing his temples, closing his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly.

"Didn't sleep well last night," he mutters.

I feel guilty. "Sorry. I didn't realize I had any nightmares."

"You didn't."

"Then why-"

"Are you ready to go soon?" Killian abruptly asks.

I blink. "Um, yeah, I just have to go grab the book."

"Do that, then," He orders shortly, and disappears.


After retrieving the book, I meet the rest of them by the front door.

Killian flicks his hand and opens a portal. The others step through first, and he doesn't say a word.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask again.

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