Chapter 13

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Everyone say "Vviticus, you're soooo smart and sexy" because I uploaded 4x today ;)

When I wake up, I'm on a cot.

Wait no, not a cot. Akoni's cot.

My head is spinning, and I hold back throwing up, even though I'm sure they already saw me puking blood, if my vision was any indication.

Killian paces around the tent until he notices that I'm awake while Akoni sits on the floor next to me. When he realizes I'm awake, he exhales in relief and kneels next to me.

"What happened?" I cough, tasting the metallic blood. "Why'd you leave the Archives? You should have waited for me to wake up."

"We did," Akoni says, his eyes narrowed slightly. "We waited three hours."

I cringe. That was a long time to be passed out. I could feel it even now, taking it's toll on me. My Sight is mad. This was a warning.

"The book," I change the subject quickly, not liking Killian's worried expression. "Where is it?"

Akoni looks to my hand, and when I follow his gaze, I'm surprised to see that the red leather book that burnt my hand and threw me into the bloody vision is locked in my grasp.

"I tried taking it out of your hand, but I couldn't," Killian frowns at the book. "Even when you were knocked out, you were gripping it too tightly."

Freaky, bad juju book.

I open the book, but the first page is blank. I turn to the next page, which is also blank. Turn, blank. Turn, blank.

I skim through the book, flicking through all of the pages. None of them have any writing on them.

Stupid, empty book.

"Worthless," I mutter, handing it to Akoni, who frowns at it. He too thumbs through the pages, seeing nothing.

"If your Sight told you to take it, it's not nothing," Akoni says, his face deeply perplexed.

I decide not to tell him that my Sight definitely gave me the vision to tell me not to read the book.

My Sight is pissing me off lately, intentionally trying to throw me out of visions I want to See, keeping me in visions I don't. I wonder if Killian is throwing off my Sight. Ever since I met him, my Sight has been more scattered, less predictable.

Less dependable.

More painful.

It feels like someone shoved a white-hot iron poker down my throat and through my eyes.

"We should start looking through the books," I suggest, peering at the tower of twenty or so books we borrowed from the Archives.

Killian frowns. "Are you sure you don't want to rest more? I can take you back to Crimson Shadow."

"No," I quickly say. "I'm fine. Great, really. Now, can someone please tell me more about vampires? You kinda dropped that bomb on me without much explanation."

Killian opens his mouth, but Akoni interrupts. "Killian, how about getting the Oracle some water? I'm sure she could use it."

Killian runs his hand through his dark hair in distress. "Right, yeah, of course. I should have thought of that, I'll be back," He mutters before disappearing.

Akoni's eyes harden. "You didn't tell him about the Curse of the Seer."

My throat gets even drier. "I didn't know he didn't know," I lie. Killian had no idea, I've known that since the first time a vision knocked me out. He was too confused, too surprised.

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