Chapter 3

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~One Year Earlier, Blood Lake

After warning the Blood Luna that she needed to return to her house before her mate returned, I stared out at Blood Lake. I had been standing out here since I fled the Pack House after rejecting my mate.

I, Katrina Parker, reject you, Leonardo Arsenau, as my mate.

The words spilled out of my mouth effortlessly, too easy to break such a significant part of my wolf. My wolf didn't understand, couldn't understand why I wouldn't just kill Gwen and be with my mate, but the human side of me was at least slightly more rational.

And she would become the Luna of Blue Moon.

Not that she knew that yet, of course. Nobody but me knew that Thane, current Alpha of Blue Moon, was fated to die during the war. If it sounds like I'm indifferent about it, it's because I mostly am. I don't know Thane, but I suppose he seems like a decent enough guy. But unfortunately, I have to make decisions, hard ones because of my Sight. People have to die, as is life, and I have to let them.

Although I could not meddle, and let the Blood Alpha die for Ares. Although if I do that, then Ares will lose to Selene, and Blood Lake will erupt into chaos. Without the Blood Alpha and Luna, packs would not be as afraid of Blood Lake and begin fighting over their territory. Which just means more war, more deaths.

Not a future I particularly care for.

And in the future, the Blood Alpha and Luna's kids will need to be alive, have their own destinies to fulfil. Not an easy life by far, but with such potent Alpha blood in their veins, there is simply no way they can avoid shifting the trajectory of the future.

It's strange, how easily futures can shift. How easily they can shift because of me. It's surreal to think about how much power I have over the future, over the fate of other people. Save lives, be the reason lives die.

So many decisions.

It's not something I care to think about.

But it's unavoidable in some cases. Cases like this one, where if I don't meddle, there will be far more bloodshed than if I do. So, am I disturbed that I saw Thane's brutal death, know how crushed Ares will be? Sure. Does it still have to happen?


Sight is no Gift. It is a curse, and a gruesome one at that.


Modern Day

Killian was right about taking his hand, I only felt a slight pounding on my skull after we traversed into Crimson Shadow.

I recognize the outside of the stone Pack House from a vision I had a year ago, the reason why that bastard Killian came into my life in the first place.

"Welcome home, darling," Killian says with a grin, and I scowl at him as I rip my gloved hand out of his.

"And what an ugly home it is," I tell him sweetly.

A lie, and we both know it. The Pack House is so big, it looks more like a mansion, and the high stone walls and terraces give it an old-timey castle look.

"I'll give you a tour," Killian offers as we strep through the house.

"No need," I smirk. "I already know where everything is. A kitchen around that corner, your living room is two rights and a left away, and your bedroom is on the fifth floor, end of the hallway to the left." A guess about his bedroom, but since that area of the house is blocked off by my Sight, it can only mean that Killian resides there.

Between the Dimensions✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora